Remembering seafarers in St Peter’s Bournemouth

St Peter’s Lasallian Leaders in Bournemouth remember Seafarers at Christmas time

(as told my Charlotte and Sylvia, Yr 7)


This Christmas, St Peter’s Lasallian Leaders decided to remember seafarers who wouldn’t be getting presents or seeing their families at Christmas. 
One of our ex-teachers, Mr Hogan, is now a Chaplain with the Stella Maris organisation which supports seafarers around the world so we contacted him and asked what we might collect –  he came up with lots of ideas!

 We then did assemblies and asked our fellow students “What do you want for Christmas?”  Whatever the answer, it’s highly likely that items on everyone’s wish lists are delivered to this country by sea so we encouraged students to bring in gifts that would lift the Christmas spirits of the seafarers who provide us with so much. 

We then collected items such as woollen hats, gloves, scarves, chocolates and toiletries and spent our lunchtimes wrapping the gifts and adding tags with special messages on. 
To help with distribution we bagged up similar items together and then our Assistant Chaplain, Liz Cooper, dropped the items off to Mr Hogan in Southampton, all in time for Christmas.

We hope each gift that the seafarers received brought a smile to their face and helped them to realise how much we appreciate their hard work. 
We look forward to supporting seafarers again in the future.


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