Br Ben expresses sympathy in wake of tragic loss of teacher

Following the outpouring of grief in the wake of the murder of a young school teacher in Ireland, Br Visitor Ben Hanlon has reached out to all Lasallian Principals in the country to thank them for the important role they play in making sure that their Lasallian institution, continues to be a place where all, regardless of age, gender, colour, creed or position are treated equally and with the respect and dignity which is their right.

See the full letter below


Dear Lasallian

Greetings from Waterford.

I hope to write very soon to the family of Aisling Murphy expressing the heartfelt sympathy of all Lasallians, children , women and men who are bound together though education. We will offer our prayers to the grieving family of a beautiful young woman who was just setting out on an exciting life journey and whose contribution to the noble profession of teaching has been so cruelly cut short.

We are all aware of attitudes and actions that have never been right or good- derisory remarks, put down comments, lack of respect, stereotyping and so on.  Deep down we have always known these were neither acceptable nor healthy and today it is clear we must consign them to the past. I commend you as Principal for all you do to ensure that not only  is this type of behavior not tolerated but that it is confronted, in a courageous and creative way.

We need more than a neutral position where such actions are unacceptable, we need to go a step further and replace them with positive attitudes which make such behavior completely redundant. I know you are doing this and I thank you for it and urge you to continue to nurture this vital social and interpersonal education.

Thank you for making your Lasallian institution, a place where all, regardless of age, gender, colour, creed or position are treated equally and with the respect and dignity which is their right.

Wishing you every blessing in the year ahead.

 Br Ben


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