Raheny community is helping those most in need

It has been a wonderful year for De La Salle Raheny, locally known as ‘The Della’ and the activities illustrate how the school community has been following the Lasallian principle of helping those most in need.

The School Community dug deep and went the extra distance to raise funds for worthy causes close to their hearts.

In the first term, the staff of the school found that they had extraordinary singing and dancing ability and put on a LIP SYNC Show in December 2023 and raised over €10,000 for the Motor Neurone Association. Teachers and SNAs together recreated the Spice Girls, ABBA, Freddy Mercury etc. A reformed Village People wrote a new version of YMCA that could become a new school anthem!

One very special aspect was that a former teacher Aidan McGuinness who started his teaching life in the Della and who has since made his career in De La Salle Dundalk held a fundraiser on the same date in solidarity with The Della and raised very a substantial sum. True De La Salle spirit in action.

In March, a number of Fifth Year students did something they had never contemplated before - the 24 hour Lenten fast for Trocaire – and that memory will stay with them. Not only did they raise funds for Trocaire but the experience gave them a real sense of solidarity with those who are not fasting voluntarily but out of poverty or famine. In 2024 the particular focus for Trocaire was on the people of Malawi who are suffering the devastating impact both drought or flooding, arising from climate change.

The School project submission of a Prayer Room won First prize in the De La Salle National Competition, by creating a beautiful space for prayer and reflection that any student can now access. One student who had vision for such a room painted a stained glass window, while a TY team of artists painted stunning murals. A fourth year student who loves the Bible printed out some of his favourite passages from it and laminated them for anyone to use them for reflection.

The room is used not only by the Prayer Group for weekly gatherings but daily by class groups and individuals. The trip to Castletown to meet students from other De La Salle schools and to see their fantastic projects was one of the most memorable events of the year for students and teachers who were involved.

Br Tommy and Pat Walsh brought beautiful gifts for the room that have really enhanced the space and are greatly appreciated by the students.  

Three members of staff are heading to India this Summer, to be part of building eight classrooms in a De La Salle School. They first have to raise funds for the building project itself and that has meant more and fabulous working together.

Br Tommy Walsh joined them in their Sunday morning Church Gate Collections and boy did he make an impact!

A Sports day titled Della Games was organised and the funds from it are contributing substantially to reaching the target sum of at least €9,000. The three staff are heading off on June 26th in great and hopeful expectation. We look forward to hearing of this life changing-opportunity for everyone involved and they go with our prayers, support and love.

Each of these initiatives are acts of faith and solidarity with people who are less fortunate. In turn, the efforts of students and staff and the wider school community have deepened the bonds between us and have allowed us be imbued with that special Lasallian spirit.


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