Portraits to mark history at DLS Jersey

De La Salle Jersey has paid its respects to Queen Elizabeth II, the UK's longest-serving monarch, who sadly died at Balmoral on September 8th aged 96, after reigning for 70 years. In addition to the memorial service in her honour, the school found a unique way to show respect for her dedication and service, as students in Year 8 embarked upon a project to work collaboratively to create portraits of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Majesty King Charles III.

Students took creative inspiration from the portrait artist Chuck Close and began by making a pencil drawing of the faces. They then broke the images up into individual squares and each student painted a square. The striking images are being displayed in the College and truly commemorate the Queen, celebrate the new reign of King Charles III and reflect this important historical event, with each Year 8 Lasallian making their ‘paint mark’.


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