Wide range of activities at De La Salle Senior School

At De La Salle Senior School, Malta, students have been enjoying a wide range of activities from debating to retreats, art to volunteering, computing to looking after the environment, and much more.

The Art Club

 De La Salle Senior School offers a range of clubs for its students.

 Clubs are an opportunity for students to develop their social skills whilst engaging in an activity that they enjoy.

Anti-Bullying Activities

Thanks to Ms. Jade Caruana and Mr. Matthew Mifsud, groups of senior students from different forms, collaborated together in a number of workshops about ‘The Social, the Emotional and the Digital Approach’.

During this week dedicated to anti-bullying, our students benefited from understanding different types of bullying, and the emotions one experiences when bullying takes place.

These sessions were part of our educators’ diffusing the knowledge they acquired thanks to the project funded by the European Union, Erasmus 2.0 Special thanks goes to Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps - EUPA Malta

Chess club and tabletop gaming club

De La Salle Senior School offers a range of clubs for its students.

Clubs are an opportunity for the students to develop their social skills whilst engaging in an activity that they enjoy.

Computing and VET IT

Computing and VET IT students in form 3 and form 4 visiting Malta's Largest Game Development and Esports Expo.

It took place at the MFCC, Ta' Qali, between November 3rd and 6th and students could engage hands-on in the innovations this sector has to offer.

Special thanks to Ms. Eleanor Mifsud, Mr Steve Cachia and Ms Josianne Grech  IT/Computing and VET IT teachers, for co-ordinating this outing.

Senior School Debate Club 

Students from Form 2 to Form 5 have been busy debating a range of topics such as, artificial intelligence, e-sports, single-sex schools and healthcare. Teams have been going head-to-head and presenting excellent rebuttals.

Design and Technology Lab

 Our Design and Technology Lab has been given a facelift. New equipment has been purchased.

Our mission is to continue to encourage and motivate our students to work hard.

We would like to thank Mr. Stephen Cachia, Mr. Norbert Zahra, Mr. Ray Baldacchino, the Design and Technology team, and our very talented and hardworking students.

The Ekoskola Club

De La Salle senior school offers a range of clubs for its students. Clubs are an opportunity for the students to develop their social skills whilst engaging in an activity that they enjoy.


Form 3 Green discussing the effects of the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation.

Home Economics

Form 2 Home Economics - Pasta Practical

PSCD Talks

 ‘It’s My Choice’, 3 sessions delivered by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ addressed to Form 3, Form 4, and Form 5 students.

Learning how to make good decisions is an essential life skill. As Young people grow older, they need to assume more responsibility for their choices and decisions.

Form 3: How to deal with stress. Analysing stressful situations and how these can be managed through smart choices.

Form 4: My Interests and hobbies.  Reflecting on the connection between personal interests, hobbies, and the skills, knowledge, and abilities acquired through formal and non-formal activities.

Form 5: My opinion, my vote. Deciding whom to vote for is a personal decision representing the ultimate exercise of democratic participation taken after due deliberation.

Religious Activity

Mument ta' talb u riflessjoni fuq kif nistgħu nsiru qaddisin b' mod prattiku.

"Huwa privileġġ li nsegwu lil Gesù." San Ġwann Battista De La Salle 🌟

Il-qaddisin jiddu bħal kwiekeb ✨ u jagħtuna ħafna ezempji sbieħ ta' kif minn din il-ħajja esperjenzaw il-ġenna. Huma kienu nies bħalna li ndafu minn dnubiethom għax kellhom qalb tan-nar għal Alla, qalb tal-laħam għall-proxxmu u qalb tal-bronz għalihom infushom.

Il-qdusija hija xi ħaġa rridu naħdmu għaliha ftit ftit kuljum billi nistaqsu, "Mulej, xi trid minni llum?" Bro Edward Galea FSC

Nirringrazzjaw lil Bro Edward li laqgħana fil-Kappella tal-Brothers' House fil-Kulleġġ tagħna De La Salle.


In October, some of our Form 2 students attended the yearly retreat where they had the opportunity to spend time together and discuss one of the Lasallian Core Principle 'Respect for ALL Persons'.  As Saint John Baptist de La Salle said:  'Be warm-hearted to everyone, speaking to others in a gentle and respectful way'.

Table tennis and billiard club

De La Salle Senior School offers a range of clubs for its students.

Clubs are an opportunity for the students to develop their social skills whilst engaging in an activity that they enjoy. De La Salle Senior School offers a range of clubs for its students.

Clubs are an opportunity for the students to develop their social skills whilst engaging in an activity that they enjoy.

Treasure Hunt

The De La Salle Annual Treasure Hunt is a rite of passage for Form 5 students.

It is a fun team-building event activating life skills in general and we would like to congratulate all the teams for their energy, enthusiasm and Lasallian spirit.


Celebrating Volunteering at De La Salle College, Birgu


Portraits to mark history at DLS Jersey


DLS Sixth Form students active in Malta