Passion and positivity in abundance at Leaders conference
The Lasallian School Leaders Conference for GB Heads and Chairs of Governors was held in St Cassian’s, Kintbury, on November 12th and 13th and proved to be a very informative and positive event.
The first such conference since the Covid pandemic struck saw the Office of Mission and school leaders in Great Britain meet to discuss a variety of issues and share ideas. The discussions illustrated the wonderful sense of community across the District and highlighted the level of passion that exists in relation to sustaining and developing the Mission.
The event, entitled ‘God’s Mission has a School’ was co-ordinated by Andy Bridson and the Office of Mission.
The Conference began with contributions from Head Teachers which underlined the excellent work being carried out in the schools on a daily basis.
Catherine Kane
Dominic McKenna
Catherine Kane (St Joseph’s, Beulah Hill), spoke about the Ethos Day that was held in the school on October 22nd which was very successful in terms of affirming, informing and inspiring all staff. Meanwhile, Dominic McKenna (St Margaret Ward Catholic Academy) shared how the Lasallian ethos was re-energised in the school using the Lasallian Identity Framework (LIF). He added that the approach of ‘Teaching minds, touching hearts and transforming lives’ was very much at the heart of their approach to every student.
Eunan Whyte (Communications Officer) spoke about the importance of creating a sense of community through developing the District publications and website. News from schools was crucial in creating this bond and he encouraged Head Teachers to ensure they contributed and to make the information available to the whole school community.
Jo Millea (Director of Formation and Vocation Ministry) reflected on the success of the Lasallian Awards initiative in terms of encouraging students to live Lasallian values outlined in the Five Core Principals of a Lasallian School. She revealed that the Office of Mission is currently working on a pilot project that will allow schools to share resources and establish stronger connections through a common platform across the network.
The opening day concluded with Joseph Gilson (Director of Formation) outlining how schools had the opportunity to contribute to the District through membership of the MEL Committee, and to the region through ASSEDIL (European Association of Lasallian Heads/Principals).
Br. Ben Hanlon
The second day saw Acting Brother Visitor, Ben Hanlon, address the conference. He outlined the great success of Lasallian education in Great Britain and the influence De La Salle’s ideas continue to have on education. He pointed out that there is a great need to recapture some of the Lasallian teaching principles as they would have a significant impact on education today. He thanked all school leaders for the effort, courage and resilience they show in caring for young people in very challenging times.
Jo Millea followed with an insight into De La Salle’s spirituality, Mission, and vision of community and invited participants to look at key hallmarks from the perspective of leadership and governance. During the enlightening presentation she looked at the vital areas of integration of faith and zeal, touching hearts, and community.
Heather Ruple (Co-ordinator of Special Initiatives) was next to address the conference and she began by reminding participants that as school leaders they had been entrusted with the Lasallian Mission, Ethos and Charism and that it was more than a job or a responsibility.
During the inspiring talk she outlined how Lasallian Partners have become increasingly more the protagonist and responsible for Mission in recent years and that it is our responsibility to continue that Mission into the future, with formation key to our success.
Heather Ruple
A discussion followed on the role of a foundation Governor in a Lasallian school and the next steps in view of the government’s academisation agenda; while Associate schools discussed how best to support their partnership with the rest of the Lasallian network moving forward.
The conference concluded with Br. Ben and Joe Gilson thanking all who had attended, along with those who had prepared for and participated in the event.
The response from the Heads and Chairs included the view that the Conference was informative, reassuring, and powerful, while also serving to strengthen relationships.