Outdoor retreat becoming a real highlight at St John’s

The retreat team at St. John's, Ballyfermot, are enjoying a very busy summer term with many school groups availing of our Glendalough Pilgrimage.

We have been blessed with sunshine and warm weather on all excursions which is affording everyone the best of views over the valley and a real connection with the incredible nature and beauty of this holy place. We are finding that our Glendalough retreats are increasing in popularity with bookings coming in already for next spring. 

As a team, we were also invited out to Blackrock College where we facilitated two retreats per day over a three week period. We received very encouraging feedback and the College has already booked us to come out to them again next May with their 5th Years coming to us in the Retreat House in October. 

We are finding a growing need from schools for retreats, wellbeing programmes and social justice workshops. We had a very successful run of "The World's our Oyster" programme with Terenure students in April as part of their Transition Year learning experience.

We are looking forward to facilitating Confirmation retreats in June. It has been a busy year for our inaugural year in Ballyfermot, with next year set to be even more busy. It has been a successful transition from Kilmacud to Ballyfermot and we look forward to growing our centre and our vision further and wider, welcoming many more to the Lasallian family, spirituality and experience.


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