Official opening of extension at St Stephen’s BNS

All in St. Stephen's BNS Waterford were absolutely delighted to witness the official opening of Lasallian House on Friday, October 14th, 2022.

We were thrilled to be joined by former staff members Mrs. Quinn, Mrs. Stafford, Mrs. Musgrave, Mr. Carey, Mr. Colfer, Mr. Greene, Mrs. Fewer, Mrs. Murphy and Mrs. Grant from the Pre-School, as well as Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan and Fr. Harris, and former principal of St. Stephen’s Br. Martin Curran, as well as Chairperson of our school’s Board of Management Br. Frank McCallig and former principal Mr. Paudge Morris, both of whose efforts were instrumental in the construction of Lasallian House.

Many others with a connection to St. Stephen’s joined us to celebrate this historic day.

Principal of St. Stephen's Sinead Lowe spoke of the efforts of so many people to make Lasallian House a reality, paying tribute to Mr Morris and Br. Frank and the school's Board of Management, before Bishop Cullinan blessed the building, and Br. Frank and Mr. Morris cut the ribbon to officially open our stunning new extension.

Our many guests then took the opportunity to look around the new building.

There are plenty of photos of the official opening to view on this post or in the full gallery on the St. Stephen's website:

Now officially open, the construction of Lasallian House took over a year and presented many challenges for St. Stephen's. However, all challenges were met and now we have a state of the art building to be proud of.

We photographed the entire process month by month - some photos for you to view here, or you can see the full gallery on our website:


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