Malta formation programme helps build Lasallian community and identity

One of the highlights of the District Calendar, the District Lasallian Induction Formation CPD in Malta took place at the La Salle Retreat Centre, Mellieha, from July 24th to 30th.

The Programme, titled ‘Strengthening Ethos in a Lasallian Catholic School’, welcomes participants from schools and centres across the District, and other countries across Europe. This was the 11th edition of this programme which has been a highlight of the District Calendar since 2012 due to its innovative format and its transformative impact on many participants over the years. Due to its popularity, this year, the District has trialled this additional session in July along our usual August dates. 

Co-ordinated by Jo Millea (Co-Ordinator of Special Projects), the programme will feature input from Joe Gilson (Director of Mission), Heather Ruple (Co-Ordinator of Lasallian Vocations) along with Br. Enrico Muller from Scampia in Italy, and Stan Millea.

The formation team includes Br Enrico Muller, Heather Ruple, Joe Gilson, Stan and Jo Millea

On Wednesday July 24th, the participants gathered at La Salle Retreat Centre for an orientation to the week, community building, and a lovely evening meal of traditional Maltese dishes as the sun set in the Mediterranean. The evening concluded with a moment of prayer and reflection preparing for a week of formation, and building Lasallian community and identity.

The programme commenced on Thursday morning with Morning Prayer followed by Session 1 ‘The Doorstep and the Lasallian Journey in your story (Founding Story)’, delivered by Jo Millea, while Session 2 ‘From Brothers’ schools to Lasallian Schools: Just a name?’ was presented by Joe Gilson.

An afternoon and evening in the capital city of Valletta provided the opportunity to get to know Lasallian colleagues in Malta. The day concluded in prayer and fraternal time in community.

Friday’s sessions began with ‘Lasallian Identity Framework: A Self-Assessment Tool, delivered by Joe Gilson, followed by Br. Enrico presenting ‘Pastoral aspect of a teaching profession/Youth Ministry/Chaplaincy.

The late afternoon and evening was spent seeing the mission in action with visits to De La Salle College and Stella Maris College. After the school visits, participants joined the Brothers community for prayer and a meal.

Saturday July 27th began with Heather Ruple leading Session 1 One’s Faith Journey: a culture of Vocation and she also delivered Session 2 Lasallian Prayer: a ritual or a way of life?

This was followed by a number of workshops involving art, meditation, prayerful journeying and how to create prayer.

One of the highlights of the programme from a social perspective on this programme is the trip to Gozo and once again that proved to be a very enjoyable outing on Sunday.

On Monday, the sessions continued in Mellieha with Jo Millea delivering ‘Christian Servant Leadership styles of interaction with those we serve’. Following the coffee break, Jo and Heather presented ‘New calls and creative responses to the signs of the times - Idea Swap’.

On Tuesday July 30th, the final day of the programme began with Session 1 - The concept of Lasallian Community within the Lasallian Family, delivered by Heather Ruple. After the beak, participants worked in cluster groups before concluding with a plenary session.


Br. Chris is special guest at Brothers’ Retreat


Paul honoured for his dedication to Lasallian Mission