Living the Lasallian values at Stella Maris Junior School

At Stella Maris Junior School, students are continuing to learn and live the Five Core Principles with a number of initiatives including, Seeds for Students Scheme, World Down Syndrome Day, World Water Day, La Salle for Ukrainians, The Meaning of Lent and the visit of Br. Chris Patino.

Seeds for Students Scheme

Grade 4, 5 & 6 students collectively sowed a seed on 21st March 2022 to mark and celebrate the beginning of Spring. Every student took the container home and will water his own tree. By sowing and maintaining their tree, students will learn to be responsible, disciplined, self-confident and increase their love for nature.

World Down Syndrome Day 2022

"It's NOT my extra chromosome that makes me happy, it's because I'M LOVED." Students and staff were invited to wear mismatched sock to create awareness about Down Syndrome.  Educators explained why Down Syndrome Day is celebrated on the 21st March of every year and tried to empower the students to advocate for equal rights for people with Down syndrome.

World Water Day

On the 22 March, Grade 3 Arnold students celebrated World Water Day, and drew posters to create awareness.  They reflected on what Jesus said: "but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.” John 4:14 #water #livingwater #life

La Salle for Ukrainians

On Wednesday 16 March 2022, all Lasallian schools in Malta held a dress down where students and staff were invited to wear clothing with the colours of the Ukrainian flag. Through this initiative, we wanted our students to reflect on the horrors of a senseless war and to express solidarity with the Ukrainians who are facing so much suffering and destruction because of this war.  Students and members of staff gave their donations for this cause.

The meaning of Lent

On Thursday 3rd March, an assembly was held to help the students reflect on the true meaning of Lent.  They were invited to participate in daily prayers early morning, and to do good deeds to help them become better Christians.  The foyer of the school was decorated and offers an open space environment for the students to spend a few minutes in prayer before they start their daily lessons.

 Bro Chris Visit at SMCJR

Brother Chris visited Stella Maris Junior School. He was welcomed by Grade 3 Benjamin and grade representatives. Grade 5 and 6 classes followed virtually and proudly sang the college song. He shared his experience with all the grades and students had the opportunity to ask him some interesting questions. Brother Chris was presented with a souvenir to remind him of this encounter with the Junior School students.


Positive experience at Lenten Retreat


Schools connect to remember people in Ukraine