Invitation to join ‘Hearts in the Peripheries’ webinar

“Hearts in the Peripheries” is the title of the online meeting suggested by the International Council for Lasallian Association and the  Educational Mission (CIAMEL) for December 9th at 3 p.m. (Rome time), in the framework of the Advent season and through the Zoom platform”.

“One of the commitments of CIAMEL, derived from the 46th General Chapter and the III Assembly for the Lasallian Educational Mission (III AIMEL) asks us to support and promote the Leavening Movement which lead us to leave our comfort zones and to move towards the peripheries’, remark the organisers, detailing that, ’the proposal of the webinar responds to the need to foster the understanding of the Leavening Movement in order to live it out, to discover and attend to the peripheries that exist around us.

Who can participate? All Lasallians, Brothers and lay people, from the five Regions of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools are invited, since the Leavening Movement is an invitation to all, a commitment that encourages us to move towards the peripheries. With regards to this, the members of CIAMEL ask the participants to read the document The Leavening Project. Growing together in the Lasallian dream and Lasallian Reflection No. 10. Our heart is in the peripheries, before participating in the Webinar.

In this way, for CIAMEL, this online meeting will be an opportunity to “get more clarity about what the Leavening Movement is all about (and what it is not), discover ‘Leavening Experiences’ that are being carried out throughout the Institute, and explore how to ‘live’ the Leavening Movement”. Likewise, “from this online meeting we will listen to the concerns of the participants, the possibilities for collaboration and find future projects to energise and strengthen the Leavening Movement,” the organisers explained.

The conducting of this webinar in Advent, a time marked by the search for conversion and the hope of receiving God who made himself poor, incarnated among the poor and vulnerable, and dwelt in the community, concurs with the invitation of the Leavening Movement to go out in search of the people who are in the peripheries and to find and make present there the incarnate God who provides us and fills us with hope.

“This meeting between Lasallians seeking to come out of their comfort zones, to conversion and to share their hope is very appropriate for the Advent season,” concluded the members of CIAMEL.

We invite you to save the date and time (9 December, 3.00 pm Rome time), to register by CLICKING on the form below, and to prepare yourself to live this webinar in the spirit of Advent and of the ‘Leavening Movement’: “Hearts in the peripheries”



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