Beneavin College host a Lasallian Gathering

As part of the Arts Festival, Beneavin De La Salle College had a ‘Lasallian Gathering’ in the College on Thursday 24th October.   It was a fantastic opportunity for Lasallian students and their teachers to meet and share this experience with each other.  Beneavin invited Lasallian schools to share in their Arts Festival and strengthen links across schools within the Lasallian family.

There were a number of Lasallian schools represented at the event. The day started with a short reflection in the library after which students were divided into groups.  Students got involved in activities based around the arts: Drumming, drama and arts workshops.  Students from De La Salle Dundalk, Ardscoil La Salle, St. Setons  as well as the Lasallian prefects from Beneavin De La Salle College took part in these workshops.  At the end of the day students and teachers gathered again in the library where students were presented with certificates and there was a final reflection. 

TALK Group

The TALK group at Beneavin De La Salle College is a group of students from TY, 5th and 6th year and has been running since 2019.  The group was set up as part of the Cycle Against Suicide Headstrong Programme.  This programme gives students an opportunity to take on a leadership role in the school. The aim of the Headstrong is to create awareness of mental health issues and help young people to take care of their mental health.  Students are encouraged to  promote positive mental health for everyone in the school and beyond. 

TALK stands for Talk About, Listen, Kindness. Recently the TALK Group were awarded the Ambassador School Award from Cycle Against Suicide as part of their Headstrong Programme for the fifth year in a row.  They hope to renew it again this year as well as renewing the Amber Flag which they got in 2023.   Five of the students from the TALK group did training  with Cycle Against Suicide earlier this year.  Students meet at least every second Friday with Ms Baird and Mr Forte.  

Since September the group have been very busy.  They have visited Beneavin House, the retirement home next door.  In October they visited for International Day of Older Persons for some music and chats.  They returned for pumpkin carving in the run up to Halloween.  They are looking forward to inviting the residents to our Annual Christmas Celebrations next month.

The group have created a display of famous people and their mental illness.  This is also accompanied by definitions of their conditions.  The aim of this is to break the stigma and raise awareness of mental health issues.

The group had an active role in Standup week and were a huge support, while Beneavin is working towards the Quality Mark accreditation through Belongto.  Over the course of the week the group were helping the first year quiz, supporting teachers doing the treasure hunt, encouraging students to attend the drop-in lunch and themselves, taking part in a creative workshop. 

In October the group organised a whole school walking challenge. Walking has huge benefits for our mental health and the group recognises this.  There was great participation from staff and students.  The group also arranged a photography competition as part of Arts Week.  The theme was MY HAPPY PLACE and again this engaged a great number of staff and students.

Recently the group launched our Annual A LIGHT TO REMEMBER campaign  This links in with the theme of grief. The students are selling lightbulbs in memory of loved ones who have died.  Money raised will go to the Samaritans.  

If that is not enough, there are still lots of plans ahead for this group.  Plenty of plans are ahead for Mental Health which takes place in January.  Last year the group organised a study skills workshop for 3rd Years as well as a no phone day and competitions.  This year they are planning even more.


Invitation to join ‘Hearts in the Peripheries’ webinar


Remembering all who have gone before us at Castletown