Lenten Reconciliation at St Gregory’s

At St Gregory’s Catholic College Bath, the programme for Lenten Reconciliation covered two and a half weeks, ensuring that every class experience their own personal liturgy in the school Chapel for an hour. 

Each liturgy was tailored to the year group so that they were able to explore the theme in an age appropriate and dynamic way.  The year 7s looked at the history of salvation throughout the Old Testament so that they understood the significance of Jesus and his redemptive act on the cross.  Whereas our year 9s explored the link between reconciling who we are with the way societal expectations dictate relationships and barriers in everyday situations, particularly shows of emotion. 

After exploring these topics in the first half of the liturgy through prayer, scripture and other media we then gave our students time to be in the presence of God through reconciliation themed prayer stations.

After recently being at St Cassian’s, Kintbury we were able to use a couple of their fantastic ideas with our own to create a set of stations that would help our young people regardless of whether they were practising, questioning or struggling in their relationship with God. 

Some of the stations included building a replica of the Wailing Wall of Jerusalem to pray for unity and peace, the Sleeping St Joseph Devotion, writing on a huge mirror the positive reflections of others and a 3D Holy Land created by Chaplaincy students to place individual crosses on linked to forgiveness.  In addition we have had many of our local priests come in to give staff and students the opportunity to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. 

We’ve been incredibly impressed with the respect, thought and grace with which so many have embraced the liturgies.  There have been some truly heart-warming moments with students making the most of our school Chapel and embracing the opportunities for reflection.


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