Launch of new District logo

We are pleased to announce that the District of Ireland, Great Britain and Malta is launching a new official logo.

The District of Ireland, Great Britain and Malta has unveiled a new official logo.

This logo was introduced to the District during our celebrations to mark Founder’s Week and officially launched as part of our Founder’s Day celebrations on Friday May 13th.

The new logo brings Ireland, Great Britain and Malta in line with the official branding of the international Lasallian Family to emphasises our position as a vibrant District that is very much part of the wider Institute.

In announcing the new logo, Acting Brother Visitor Ben Hanlon, stated that this was a welcome step for the District.

“Over the past number of years our distinct logo was important to us and served us well, however, it was felt that the time is right to get in line with the other Districts of the Institute. The new logo has a modern look to it and represents our position as a vital part of the global Lasallian family, while also retaining the distinct characteristics that help us play our part in maintaining the Lasallian Mission”, explained Br Ben.


Contribution of De La Salle College Waterford is recognised


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