Latest news from Castletown Community

Over the past few weeks, Castletown has been a hive of activity with the Community welcoming visitors, hosting a retreat and District Chapter, while enjoying social activities.

Meitheal Youth Leadership Programme

During the final week of the four Meitheal groups that stayed at our Pastoral Centre, Bishop Denis Nulty of the Diocese of Kildare and Loughlin celebrated the evening Mass on June 29th, during which the new Meitheal leaders were commissioned. Family members attended and were treated afterwards to a cuppa and chat. June was a hectic month but was very worthwhile as several Secondary Schools in the diocese would be blessed with excellent Leaders in the final year who would be very supportive to the 1st year students arriving in September. Here in Castletown we have run this enriching Meitheal Course since 1997.

Home of the Mother

This Congregation was founded in 1982 in Spain and consists of Priests, Brothers, Sisters and lay people. As we write, they are located in Fermoy, Waterford City and Donegal with more openings in the pipe line. On Sunday, 2nd July some 300 people comprising families from all over the country descended on Castletown for a full day of prayer, Mass and Adoration. All in the Community got behind the wheel and assisted to the needs of all both very young and old. They assured us they will be back.

Mystery Tour

Miguel House has a mystery tour for our Senior Brothers every Wednesday afternoon. On 28th June the Brothers arrived in Rathdowney, Co Laois. They bumped into the much acclaimed singer Daniel O'Donnell and his wife. With photos galore and a chat our happy sight seekers arrived home to tell us what happened. Even two Catholic Bishops were spotted in Rathdowney that same afternoon.  

Fr. Hugh O'Donnell O.F.M.

Fr. Hugh was chaplain in Miguel House for two years some four years ago . Then Fr. Joe Walsh OFM replaced him. For past couple years he had failing health and died on 11th July. He was known to a number of the Brothers in the District and we pray for the happy repose of his soul.

Castletown Annual Retreat

This year’s retreat ran from 11th - 13th July. Br. Aidan Kilty now residing in Oxford gave some very interesting talks to the 30 or so participants from all over the District.

Br. Cornelius Carey

After spending a total of 49 years in South Africa, doing Trojan work in East London and more recently in Johannesburg, Br Cornelius has arrived in Castletown to join our Central Community. We are delighted to have him join our Community and wish him many years of happiness in our home.

Anointing Fire Catholic Ministry

These comprised three groups of Indian Catholics from all over the country in the main. There were also other participants but were by and large family groups. They had Mass each day celebrated by Fr. Prince. In fact a second priest was with one of the groups and was also named Fr. Prince. The final group was 68 and it coincided with our District Retreat so you can imagine it was a testing time for everyone in Castletown Pastoral Centre and the Brothers and kitchen staff. 

District Chapter

Session four of the District Chapter took place in the Pastoral Centre and accommodation in the Central Community. The theme of the Full day session was "Gratitude". and a video on this topic was shown to the delegates. The preparatory commission had put an enormous amount of work into the proceedings of the Chapter since January of this year. This was clearly evident to all. Sr. Liz Murphy- Mercy Sisters - guided the four day sessions in Castletown - Malta - St. John's - Castletown with expert guidance. At the outset Br. Ben thanked the outgoing District Council members for their self-sacrifice and dedication for the past four years. 

After a short opening prayer by Br. Ben, voting took place for four Brothers to fill the District Council with Br. Ben, Br. Michael Curran and Br. Thomas Walsh. Without delay, the votes were counted and Brothers Aidan Kilty, Kevin McEvoy, Austin Gili and Martin Curran were chosen.

A beautiful painting of Our Founder was on display entitled GRATITUDE . This is a superb work of art from the brush of Br. Laurence Hughes. The title is in the Ukrainian language and the meaning of the artist's work is explained on the back of the painting. A copy of this painting will be available for all in the near future. It is currently on display in our Community oratory in Castletown.

The closing moments of the day's proceedings were very touching. All the Chapter Delegates gathered outside with Br. Thomas Walsh taking charge. After a few well-chosen words, seven homing pigeons were released as well as three helium balloons representing the three counties in our District. This was followed by evening Mass in Miguel House, a banquet dinner provided by Br. Martin Curran and Community. and then a sing song with two able musicians.

Br. Ben had left no stone unturned in all that happened and everyone was unanimous in their praise for the way he guided every decision and won the cooperation of all involved. This is shared by all the delegates and our appreciation and thanks likewise to Br. Michael Curran, Br. Tommy Walsh and all the Brothers who put so much work into making the meetings so meaningful to all.



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