Lasallian Projects plan to recommence overseas activities

Following the disruption caused by the pandemic, Lasallian Projects (previously known in Britain as LDWP) are planning to recommence their overseas activities next year, with plans already started to recruit volunteers. Br. John Deeney explains the full details:

After a couple of years of restricted activity Lasallian Projects are renewing contact with those who may want to link with our overseas educational projects programme. These concern mostly young people of 17 to early 20s, though we will later outline plans for older participants. Our website contains plenty of information in case new people have taken up posts since our last contact.

-          Lasallian Projects is aiming to run travelling projects again in 2023. We have had requests to sponsor school buildings now that normal education is resuming across most countries. In some areas the school facilities are proving inadequate for the numbers wanting education so there huge challenges to expanding the access.

-           We are, at this stage, accepting ‘expressions of interest’ in 2023 projects. The global situation is going to be subject to change but if there is continued improvement in the control of the pandemic and travel regulations remain similar to current ones, then we see travel as feasible and relatively risk-free.

-          By September we would hope to be in a position to outline our plans, though we would be unlikely to make firm bookings until 2023. We will be drafting a training programme so that group members meet together and receive preparation for the challenges inherent in a project.

-          Our application form is accessible via our website:

Application forms will be accepted as an expression of interest. Filling in a form does not imply any commitment but it serves as a basis for on-going contact. Any enquiries can also be submitted via the website. A poster is attached in case it is of use. Talks for students can also be requested.


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