Helping to Grow the Lasallian Dream at Ministry Leaders Conference

The Lasallian Ministry Leaders Conference (Ireland) took place on November 9th and 10th and provided the space for reflection, sharing of ideas and plans for the future.

The Bloomfield House Hotel in Mullingar was the setting for two days of informative presentations, and sharing of best practices for school principals and pastoral centre directors who enjoyed some very fruitful discussions.

The event also provided the opportunity to recognise the contributions made by two members of our Lasallian Family – Br. John McDermott and Colm Mythen - who have made a significant impact on the lives of young people in our District and beyond.

In introducing the theme “Growing together in the Lasallian Dream”, Director of Mission, Joe Gilson, opened the conference by reflecting on the meaning of growth, togetherness and pursuing the Lasallian Dream. He highlighted the importance of The Leavening Project which emerged from the 46th General Chapter, and in making it clear that our mission to find those on the peripheries and be the agents of change.

That theme was explored in an engaging and sobering presentation from Aideen Cassidy, Chair of MEL Committee Ireland and former principal at Beneavin De La Salle College. She spoke about the importance of educators being able to respond to the needs of those who are marginalised.

The discussion highlighted the need for the more privileged students not to be sheltered from the realities of the world so that they can help make a difference to society in the future.

Aideen also referred to the great work being done by St John’s Glasnevin in helping young people on the margins to get back on track. This, she added, was an example of how Lasallians have saved and transformed lives.

Session two of the conference saw Joe Gilson address the four-year strategic plan which developed from the Mission Assembly. Work has already started on a number of the Direction Statements from the Assembly and updates were shared at the conference.

District Bursar, Kevin Humphrey, outlined the progress that has been made to the Lasallian and Ecological Awareness Fund by sharing some of the initial thoughts and criteria involved.

Director of Formation, Pat Walsh, provided details on the work to establish the District-wide Lasallian Animation Network (DLAN)  which will allow great collaboration across the District and allow Animators to operate more effectively.

Joe Gilson then gave an update on the plans to update the Lasallian Identity Framework (LIF).

The evening social time and dinner provided the opportunity to strengthen connections among the group and also to honour the contribution of two individuals in particular.

Auxiliary Visitor, Br. Tommy Walsh, made a presentation to Br. John McDermott in recognition of the wonderful work he has done at St John’s in Glasnevin, where he has made such a difference to the lives of many young people on the peripheries.

Br. John is stepping down as Director but will continue to provide any assistance he can to this much-needed facility. Br. Tommy reflected that this was just one of a variety of areas in which Br. John has been influential in his life and he highlighted the many wonderful contributions he has made in schools, to his communities and on the missions over the years.

Michelle Benson, Acting Principal at Ardscoil La Salle, then spoke in glowing terms of the contribution made by Colm Mythen in transforming the fortunes of the school in Raheny. She revealed that through his dedication, vision and willingness to take on challenges, Colm’s energy, enthusiasm and positivity inspired both staff and students alike, to create a thriving school.

The following morning, Michelle was able to expand on the school initiatives that have helped transform Ardscoil Lasalle on Day two of the conference. While sharing best practice, she outlined how encouraging student leadership has helped create a very positive culture among pupils.

Among the developments was a Student Prayer Group that was formed under the guidance of Ms Breda Broderick and has allowed students to be open about having faith while also being respectful to those of other faiths and none.

An issue relevant to many schools in Ireland was discussed by Siobhan Foster, Principal at De La Salle College Churchtown, who reflected on the journey to becoming a co-ed school at the start of this year.

Siobhan outlined on the research required and the challenges faced, while providing some useful tips on the process involved.

The conference continued with Tom O’Neill giving an update on the activities of the MEL Committee Ireland including initiatives to provide opportunities for Lasallian retirees to continue to contribute, and those interested in assisting with overseas projects.

In his closing remarks to the conference, Brother Visitor Ben Hanlon, began by asking all to pray for those in our District who are facing challenges in their personal lives. He thanked all in attendance for their work which is greatly valued and encouraged principals to appreciate and support their teachers. In expressing how proud he was of them all, he added that he was extremely grateful for the way they cherish those on the peripheries.


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