Join RELEM gathering to pray for peace

During these Lasallian Days for Peace whose theme is "1 La Salle: our pilgrimage for peace", as the RELEM Region we want to be close to our brothers and sisters who are suffering from war all over the world, but especially in Palestine, Israel and Lebanon.
This is why we want to gather on Monday, October 7, 2024 at 7 p.m. in Rome to pray together.
Everyone is invited to bring a candle and connect to the RELEM zoom channel to witness to the closeness to the Lasallians of these wounded regions and to pray as Christians, people of other religions and men and women of good will that Peace is always possible is a gift that comes from above and is supported by personal and then community choices.
Let us gather for this moment of prayer and fraternity.
To be shared with all our networks and friends.
Thank you and Long live Jesus in our hearts, forever!


Lebanon crisis is affecting Lasallian schools