Inspiring seminars for educators in Malta

The celebrations to mark 120 years since the arrival of De La Salle Brothers in Malta continued on Tuesday and Wednesday May 16th and 17th with two inspirational seminars for educators on the islands.

The sessions were led by renowned speaker, David Wells, with one of the central messages highlighting the need to find joy in all we do.

The first seminar for Teachers of Religion working in all Church Schools in Malta and Gozo was opened by Stephen Cachia, Director of Educational Mission in Malta, and followed a reflection by Director of Formation and Vocation Ministry, Jo Millea.

Director of Mission, Joe Gilson, thanked the Brothers for all their hard work and dedication and reminded the gathering that teachers have been left with the responsibility to carry on that great work into the future, before introducing David Wells.

An engaging presentation touched on many aspects of faith and school life, and he reflected on the messages of Pope Francis that remind us that busyness is the enemy of pastoral care and that the purpose of the church is to bring joy, which is something we need to recover.

He also spoke about the importance of accompaniment in order to inspire the young people in our care. To do this, we need to be Present (really be there for them), Listen (understand what they really want), and Discern (understand the heart of the person and act accordingly).

The following day, David returned to share with leaders of Catholic Education in a seminar entitled ‘Enlarge the space in your tent’.

After a wonderful reflection from Br. Austin Gili on the painting ‘Christ and Abbot Mena’, David Wells began by thanking all present for having the courage to be a leader as it is not an easy task.

He then highlighted a number of key themes that impact on effective leadership, including:

Losing Ourselves: When we become anxious to justify ourselves, we lose ourselves. When we lose ourselves, leadership disappears. It is important to nurture others because when people around you are flourishing, your leadership is working.

Doing Nothing:

It is in silence that God reveals us to ourselves, so find yourself and be authentic. This is when you will be an effective leader.

Embrace Interruptions: Your job is not about completing lists or tasks – it is about dealing with all the interruptions that you encounter. That is what leaders do.

Lighten up a bit: Find your joy and lead with spirit.

The presentation was followed by input from an invited panel whose enthusiastic and positive remarks reflected the sense of enthusiasm felt by the gathering.

Brother Visitor, Ben Hanlon, brought three memorable days to a conclusion when they thanked all present for their efforts in schools on behalf of young people. The also thanked, David Wells for his engaging presentations, along with all who had made the celebrations such a success.


District Chapter Day 2 hosted by Stella Maris College


Celebrations to mark 120th anniversary of La Salle in Malta