District Chapter Day 2 hosted by Stella Maris College

Delegates, observers and guests from across the District of Ireland, Great Britain and Malta gathered at Stella Maris Community for Day 2 of the District Chapter on Saturday May 20th.

The theme for the day was ‘Vulnerability’ and a number of presentations on the subject prompted a very positive discussion.

The event, which was once again facilitated by Sr Liz Murphy, was opened by Brother Visitor, Ben Hanlon, with prayers being led by Br. Austin Gili.

The morning began with matters arising from Day 1 in Castletown on April 15th. These included questions arising from Br Ben Hanlon’s Visitor’s Report, and questions from Kevin Humphrey’s Bursar’s Report. The Minutes from Day 1 were also approved.

The day included input from a number of people in relation to the care of Brothers, including an article from Teresa Cleere, Manager Miguel House and Br Martin Curran, Director of Miguel House Community, who reflected on the fact that today Brothers are facing many challenges as they see themselves aging and the educational mission being carried on very successfully by lay partners. In acknowledging that vulnerability may be seen as something negative, they pointed out that it can have very positive outcomes if interventions are put in place.

In looking to the future, they suggested that a sense of gratitude – as the first movement in the spiritual life - is vital in dealing with many issues.

“Gratitude holds our communities together and without it there is no empathy, no ability to appreciate how another feels. Standing in gratitude together is beneficial to aging and enables us to face challenges so we feel better physically, emotionally and mentally”, they said.

Br. Laurence Hughes used the Legend of the Wild Geese from Celtic Spirituality as an example for how the strength of the community can help the vulnerable.

He pointed out that looking after the vulnerable ensures the strength of the flock, and that as a District, our strength is in looking after our vulnerable and ensuring a good quality of life.

“It pays to take turns doing the hard tasks and developing collaborative leadership. With other people, as with geese, we are interdependent on each other. The geese in formation honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed and direction. We are called upon to make sure we are encouraging and supporting our leaders”, explained Br. Laurence.

An article on vulnerability was also prepared by Maureen Webb,, Manager, St John’s House and Br Sean Sellors, Director of St John’s House Community.

This dealt with a practical example of how Brothers are cared for and highlighted the foresight of leadership in providing the care facilities at Castletown, Clayton Court and St John’s, which have been the envy of other religious orders.

The presentation also suggested giving Brothers every encouragement to consider that they still have an important role to play and that their commitment is life-long.

The afternoon session also looked at global vulnerability in relation to the impact upon investment, finances and properties.

The day concluded with Mass, celebrated by Fr. Mario Mulé Stagno SDB, and another highlight saw Sammy and Yvonne Borg presented with the Lasallian Star Award.

There followed a meal in gratitude for our Lasallian Brothers and Partners of the Chapter, recognising too all involved in the Mission, especially here in Malta on their 120th anniversary.



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