Eliza combines Lasallian Spirit with creativity to help those in need

A student at St Augustine’s Catholic College in Trowbridge has combined her Lasallian spirit with her creative talents to help promote positivity and help vulnerable children.

During lockdown, Eliza Blackmore 7T decided she wanted to help children who were not as fortunate as her and to find a way to keep her feeling positive. A small idea of making cards to send to friends and family has grown into Eliza creating a small business called ‘A little love from Eliza’.

Not only is Eliza spreading positive messages, but funds raised are going to help charities that support less fortunate children.

Eliza spends all her spare time making greeting cards for all occasions as well as wooden gifts such as candle holders, with her dad’s help. Many people support her and she posts her cards all across the country to kind customers, receiving great reviews and many repeat orders.

Since January, Eliza has raised over £700 for charities such as Ruksak45218, Young Minds and Jamie’s Farm. Eliza has visited both Ruksak45218 and Jamie’s Farm to see the wonderful work they do to help young children. Rob Duffy (Operations Manager Jamie’s Farm) has praised her hard work and dedication to support others.

“Your cards are wonderful, what a great idea! You are clearly very talented and it is so kind of you to devote your time and efforts to help our charity. Well done”.

Eliza recognises that there are many children who live difficult lives and need charities to support them.

For the months of November and December Eliza is attending local Christmas fairs to sell her items so she can give Jamie’s Farm a big donation – she is hoping to have raised £1000 by the end of 2021.

Congratulations to this very inspiring young lady. What a wonderful thing to do. Very well done Eliza!



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