Celebrating Earth Week at St Helens

To acknowledge COP26 the students at De La Salle have been celebrating Earth Week. 

This started with our Go Green Day and Meat Free Monday.  Our senior prefects sold green ribbons to raise funds towards our roof top garden and tree planting project which took place on November 26th in conjunction with the Mersey Forest.  We planted 80 trees to off-set our carbon footprint and create an outdoor learning space next to our World-Famous Bug Hotel. 

On Tuesday, our PSHCE lessons was about the impacts of Climate Change and the COP26 conference.  Each student made an environmental pledge on a leaf template which we are hoping to make into a wall display. 

On Wednesday, a group of students went to the St Helens Town Hall to attend the first Youth Climate Conference in the borough.  The students had the opportunity to discuss local issues and solutions with councillors and business leaders.  This was a very successful event and was the beginning of a new innovation in youth leadership and involvement at a local level. 

On Thursday, a local social action group called Green Influencers came into school to lead a carousel of activities.  Our students including our Eco-Committee made bird feeders and bird boxes which we are going to put around the school site to attract wildlife and greater biodiversity. 

Finally, we rounded off the week with Earth Hour where we switched off lights, screens, whiteboards and other electronic devices and each department engaged in a series of activities including reading, quiet reflection, collaging, designing posters about E-Waste, learning about the Butterfly Effect, and making pollution catchers.


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Eliza combines Lasallian Spirit with creativity to help those in need