De La Salle Jersey introduces GODCAST

During the Covid lockdown of 2020, the Chaplaincy department at De La Salle Jersey started using video via social media to stay in contact with the students and their families. Using the platform VIMEO they were able to produce a number of videos a week to stay in contact with the whole College community. 

As restrictions were relaxed, Deacon Nick and Student Faith Mentor, Peter Le Gal, realised that some of the tools used during lockdown were worth continuing with.  The students as a whole engaged brilliantly with the video format.  Initially two videos a week were produced during term time.  A prayer video to be accessed by classes during house time, as well as a Chaplain’s Vlog for the wider College community.   

This year the Chaplaincy have refreshed the prayer videos and have started to produce a weekly “GODCAST.”  This new podcast was launched with a student takeover. Students have been asked to choose any topic they wish to be discussed and the response has been overwhelming.  Topics discussed so far have included- Halloween, latest trends, what makes the Bible special?, how to deal with exam stress and why doesn’t God stop suffering? The Chaplaincy team have also interviewed guests such as a seminarian in his fourth year at St Mary’s College Oscott. 

GODCAST is light-hearted enough to be enjoyed while engaging the students to think about aspects of life which the secular world now shuns. 

Please find a link below to our first two GODCASTS: 


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