Churchtown respond to school smartphone challenges

De La Salle College Churchtown are pleased to announce that starting next year, they will be implementing an innovative solution to address the concerns surrounding excessive smartphone use during school hours. The school will be introducing Yondr pouches, a technology that allows students to securely store their phones during the day, ensuring a focused and distraction-free learning environment.

In a recent Irish survey conducted by Studyclix, it was found that many second-level students express worry about the overuse of smartphones and social media, which they believe negatively impacts their ability to concentrate on their studies and prepare for exams. The survey, which involved 1,065 students, revealed that 83% of respondents are concerned about their excessive smartphone usage. Additionally, 54% reported that popular apps like TikTok and Instagram seriously affect their concentration and hinder their ability to study effectively.

These findings highlight the urgent need for measures that promote healthy technology habits and foster better focus among students. By implementing Yondr pouches, De La Salle College aims to create an environment where students can engage fully in their learning without the distractions of constant phone notifications and social media temptations.

It is important to note that while phones will be stored securely in the Yondr pouches, the school's commitment to technology-enhanced education remains strong. De La Salle College will continue to utilise Chromebooks and maintain its state-of-the-art computer room, providing students with access to technology for educational purposes.

By introducing Yondr pouches, De La Salle College aims to create an environment that encourages student engagement, enhances concentration, and fosters a deeper level of learning. The benefits of reducing phone distractions are numerous, including improved academic performance, increased productivity, and the development of essential study skills.

We understand that smartphones have become an integral part of students' lives, and we recognise the importance of finding a balance. We believe that the introduction of Yondr pouches will enable students to take control of their phone usage, allowing them to focus on their studies, interact with their peers, and fully immerse themselves in the educational opportunities offered at De La Salle College.

We appreciate the support of our school community as we strive to create an optimal learning environment for our students. Together, we can foster a culture of focused and engaged learning that will benefit our students throughout their academic journey and beyond.

TY Sports Coaching

Our Transition Year students recently completed their Sports Coaching Module, where they had the opportunity to learn how to coach soccer, rugby, and GAA football. This module is designed to help our students develop important coaching skills and gain valuable experience in working with young athletes.

As part of the module, our students visited St. Louis and Divine Word National Schools to coach the pupils there. We would like to thank the primary schools for facilitating the visits and for giving our students the opportunity to gain hands-on coaching experience.

At De La Salle College, we believe in providing our students with opportunities to develop important life skills and gain practical experience. The Sports Coaching Module was a great success, and our students gained valuable experience in coaching and working with young athletes.

We are proud of our Transition Year students for their dedication and commitment to this module, and we hope that their coaching skills will continue to develop as they progress through their academic careers.


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