Contest to celebrate historic day for Institute

Students and educators across the District are invited to take part in an exciting initiative as part of the celebrations to mark 75 years since our Founder, John Baptist de La Salle, was declared a Saint.

On May 15th, 1950 Pope Pius XII declared Saint John Baptist de La Salle “Universal Patron of all Educators”, and to mark the 75th anniversary next year, the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools is launching the contest “Being an Educator Today” with the aim of making the Founder’s inspirational legacy visible to educators worldwide.

Students from all age groups and educators are invited to submit an original piece, either a photograph or short video, which represents what it means to be an educator today.  

This year, students who submit a piece for the Being an Educator Today contest can use their submission to help qualify for the Platinum category for our own Lasallian Awards. More details relating to the Lasallian Awards will follow in due course.

We hope to see submissions from our District as it is a wonderful opportunity to promote the global network of our Lasallian Family. We thank you for your support.


Remembrance Day at De La Salle Basildon


Br Armin’s visit highlights our passion for the Lasallian Mission