Conclusion of very successful Online Induction Programme

The final session of the Online Lasallian Induction Programme was delivered on Tuesday March 22nd, with the presentation on ‘Lasallian Community’ bringing a very successful initiative to a conclusion.

The programme was co-ordinated by the Office of Mission and led by Jo Millea, with Director of Formation, Joseph Gilson, delivering the final session.

The programme commenced on Tuesday October 19th with Session 1, entitled ‘Welcome to the Lasallian Family’, presented by Br. Michael Curran and Heather Ruple. It continued on Wednesday November 24th when Emma Biggins and Jo Millea presented ‘Lasallian Story’, while on Thursday January 20th ‘Lasallian Core Principles’ was delivered by Edel Nolan and Brian Halpin.

Session 4, ‘Lasallian Spirituality’ saw Mariella Vella discuss ‘Lasallian Spirituality on Wednesday February 9th, with in excess of 100 teachers from across the District taking part over the five sessions.

As with other Lasallian CPDs, the Induction Programme was an invitation to a journey of understanding and discovery of who we are as Lasallian educators, what it means to teach and work in a Lasallian school, and our interconnectedness to our global Lasallian Family.

It was an opportunity to become aware of our history, and our Founder, St. John Baptist de La Salle - Patron Saint of all Educators by exploring the key cultural characteristics of our Ethos and Educational Mission.

The Induction Programme was a chance to understand and become part of this tradition which has been on the global landscape of education for well over 300 years.


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