Cemetery Day in Castletown

Over the years, Castletown organised a Cemetery Day especially for the family members of our departed Brothers. It’s now five years since we last held our Cemetery Day back in 2017 and we were due to have it in July 2020 but because of Covid, it was postponed. Thankfully, we are now in a position again to organise the event and the date has now been set for Saturday, 9th July with Mass at 2pm in the parish church in Castletown - if it’s a fine day, we may well have the Mass in the cemetery itself.

Just over twenty Brothers have gone to their eternal reward since we last held the event: 

2022: Michael Mackey & Gerald Macken; 

2021: Martin Kearns, Augustine Freeley, Oliver Deane, and Cyril Collins;

2020: Eugene Brennan, Ignatius Quinn, Anthony Furniss, Leander Kelly, Charles Purcell and Norbert Mullins;

2019: Brendan O’Sullivan;

2018:  Donal O’Donoghue, John Roche, John Gaule, Adrian Shortall;

2017: Augustine O’Meara, John Neary, Tom Durnin, Amedy Hayes (June) & Jerome Cooper (May)

We hope that the event will be promoted at local level through local papers and radio and word of mouth.

The three days preceding Cemetery Day will be a time of Retreat for our Brothers in Castletown - Brother Ben will send out more details about that later.


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