Sharing the Christmas spirit at Stella Maris

December at Stella Maris College is a month which we all hold dearly to our hearts. Apart from it being the month where we celebrate Christmas, it is also a time where we are share, care and look out for each other a little bit more than we do any other ordinary day.

Each year all Grades at our College, from Grade 7 to Grade 11, team up together during the first week of December to collect food items and toys for people who are less fortunate than us. This year just the Grade 7 and Grade 8 students have collected an enormous amount of food items which we will be donating to the ‘Food Bank’.

Another quest was decorating our class corridors and filling them with Christmas cheer. Admittedly this was a breath of fresh air after all we had been through with the Covid pandemic looming over our heads. We must admit that we were very successful. Each of the Grades put a lot of effort in bringing forward the Christmas spirit. Our corridors are currently nothing short of Christmas colours, lights and contentment.

We also have our Christmas Crib Competition which we held in the library and our Christmas Door Competition held by the Grade 8’s. Apart from all of the mentioned above we are also currently recording our College Christmas Greeting song which one will follow through Facebook.

We would like to take this joyful opportunity to wish our Lasallian families, both in Malta and aver seas and very merry Christmas and a happy new year. We hope that this year will bring us more happiness and joy that has the previous year soon ending!


Seventeenth Century Snippets


Prayer Service and culture at St John’s, Ballyfermot