Cardinal Langley students embrace the spirit of giving

Students at Cardinal Langley RC High School have really embraced the spirit of giving at Christmas with a number of events organised to help those in need at this time.

Our sixth form students have been very busy raising funds to ensure we can gift some lovely treats to the older residents in our local community. Through a Christmas Fundraiser, Cake Sales and a Santa Dash they raised a total of £1095.


Congratulations and well done to 12 year old Oliver Stuckey who has collected over 80 gifts for our Rochdale Giving Back Christmas Toy Appeal. Oliver said he wanted to do something worthwhile, so made his own posters to promote the appeal and asked people to bring in gifts


A heart felt thank you to all our families who donated to the Christmas Hamper Appeal. Our Y8 students managed to fill a whole van to be transported to the Foodbank

Their efforts certainly didn’t go unnoticed as Middleton Central Foodbank were among those to express their appreciation by sending the following message:

“Please pass on our thanks and appreciation to everyone who participated and supported the collection, we are always humbled and amazed at the generosity and acts of kindness that are shown towards those who find themselves struggling. As you support us it means that we are able to support others. Many blessings and Christmas greetings to you all.”


New crest for St Seton’s unveiled


Funeral service of Br. Allen Geppert