Busy end to year at Churchtown

Students and staff at De La Salle College Churchtown were very busy in in the lead up to Christmas with activities including a Festive Jumper Day, Shoebox Appeal, charity collection and end of term merit awards.


Festive Jumper Day in aid of the Peter McVerry Trust

As is the tradition in DLS Churchtown Festive Jumper day was organised by our LCVP class, this year all funds raised were donated to the Peter McVerry Trust in support of Dublin's Homeless. As usual the initiative was well supported and a generous sum was raised for a great cause. The event certainly brought lots of festive colour and Christmas cheer!

Christmas Shoeboxes for the Capuchin Centre

Our 1st and 2nd year students did tremendous work putting together shoeboxes for The Capuchin Centre in Dublin. The boxes contained a variety of items including Socks, underwear, toiletries, gloves, scarves, pyjamas, toys, colouring pencils etc. A large number of shoe boxes were delivered to The Capuchin centre in Dublin City Centre in time for distribution before Christmas. 

TY's collect in Dublin City Centre for the ISPCC and Childline

Having missed out on last year's ISPCC collection in Dublin City Centre due to Covid restrictions, our TY students continued our long standing tradition of supporting the ISPCC's Holly Days Collection. Our students worked hard on behalf of this great charity and managed to raise an impressive amount.  

End of Term Merit Awards given to our Gold, Silver and Bronze Merit Award recipients

It is always nice at the end of a busy term to take time out to recognise the hard work and kindness of our fantastic students. This year we held merit Ceremonies for each year group separately, our Gold, Silver and Bronze Merit Award students were recognised with certificates, we also acknowledged students from each year group who exceeded their Accelerated Reader Targets. Well done to all of our students on a great terms work. 



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