Benildus retreats having a very positive impact

We are now into our final two weeks of retreats for 2021 at Benildus Pastoral Centre. The two halves of the Autumn term saw us host on average four retreats per week. We even had one school turn up a week early such was their eagerness to come. 

It is very gratifying that the retreats are striking such a chord with the schools and students. Everyone comes in great spirits with a wonderful willingness to engage. We are very much encouraged and motivated by the reviews we are receiving from students and teachers alike. It keeps us going.

Still, it has been a sobering time too in terms of issues that have arisen from our work. The retreats are evoking reflection, exchange and dialogue on fragile mental health, family break-up and losses of many kinds as a result of Covid and the pandemic.

There are times, that as a team we tread softly, chose words carefully and sometimes just be silent while their peers share their own unique and priceless wisdoms. Creating space for spontaneous honest conversation is as important as creating relevant and resonant programme content.  We feel very privileged in our work and we are hugely cognisant of just how important the role of a retreat team is in the emotional, spiritual, social and physical well-being of our young children and students.

We are delighted with this term’s work, the conversations shared and the connections made. We are grateful for the support, flexibility and listening ear we receive from the Brothers always. We look forward to a peaceful, safe and happy Christmas which we hope all of you - our colleagues, associates and friends - will also enjoy.

Of course, it wouldn’t be Christmas without the obligatory photo op by the Christmas Tree. The jumpers are styled chiefly by ourselves!

Happy Christmas everyone and a joyful New Year to the world, please God.

  • Eugene, Conor & Yvonne


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