Beneavin students hit the ground running

All at Beneavin De La Salle College extend a big welcome to all the new first year students who have settled in really well after their Belonging Plus Programme. The students are given the time and learning curve of getting to know the school, the lockers, new timetables, learn about their new subjects and meet their new teachers to try encourage a smooth and less stressful start to their new adventure in secondary school.

Just as we have new First Years starting, we are already planning ahead for our next cohort with a very successful school Open Evening that took place on Thursday 14th, when record numbers of primary school students from our community came to see our school in action and get a taste of what life is like in Beneavin on a daily basis.

We had operational science classes conducting live experiments, students got to see some of the projects being made in the Wood and Metal Room, meet the teachers, join in an Art Class, meet the school band, partook in sports, learned about all our subjects and the ethos of the school.

This year we have three active TY classes of La Cheile, La Salle and St. Canice. They had a frantic start to the year making a splash in Flynn Park Water Adventure Centre. They are already working on projects in many subjects and developing their ideas for their mini company competition. They have had talks on Sepsis, team building workshops, visiting French Cafes and fantastic hikes over the Wicklow Mountains.

The year is only beginning here in Beneavin.


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New prayer group at Ard Scoil La Salle in Raheny