A snippet of life at St Benildus College

Students at St Benildus Collee, Dublin, took part in many activities since the beginning of term, with the highlights including the Opening Year Mass, Run for Life and Wellbeing Day.

Opening Year Mass 2022

Our opening year school Mass took place in the church of St. Laurence O'Toole where we as a school gathered as a community to mark the beginning of another year. The Mass was inspired by the themes of ‘New Beginnings’ and the boys were a credit to themselves, their teachers, and their families as they listened and participated in a respectful manner.

We are very grateful to Fr. Donie for celebrating our Mass and to all the Religions teachers who were involved in preparing the boys. A number of students took part in readings and the offertory procession, along with providing the music and did a fantastic job. There were over 900 in the Church and the celebration was a great success.


Run for Life Launch 2022

October 4th 2022, saw the launch of our 2022 Run for Life fundraising campaign. Representatives of the many charities that benefit from the boys’ fundraising each year came to the college to speak with the students about their work. They explained how the charities benefit from the donations they receive from RFL each year.

First years heard about all the great work done by the Children's Health Foundation (Crumlin Hospital) presented by Louisa Kennedy and of the importance of community support with Liam Casey and Brian Fagan from St Vincent de Paul.

Second years listened to Mary Spain who outlined how the charity ‘Living Well with Dementia’ is helping many families in our community who are affected by dementia.

Finally, third years met Trish Fahy and Sharon from Dundrum Arch club, a club that promotes inclusivity in society, and Grace Allen from Focus Ireland, a charity working hard to tackle homelessness.

We are very excited to again see the boys getting involved in Run for Life and actively participating in all aspects of community life. In the past 21years, €895,000 has been raised and distributed to many charities and organisations working for a better world. Credit is due to our committed students. May this year bring us even closer to the €1million.


6th Year Wellbeing Day

On Wednesday October 5th, sixth year students made their way to Alive Outside Activity Centre in Bray to take part in a morning of fun and activities, challenging themselves in the Hell & Back obstacle course.

All students completed the 7km route where they needed to work together to go over, under, around and through over 60 obstacles from Hell & Back and Ireland's Fittest Family TV show. The boys thoroughly embraced the elements and finished the course with smiles on their face albeit a lot muddier than when they started.

 Other events included….

First year footballers’ hike of the Sugar Loaf

Second year Bray to Greystones Hike

Sign Language Week in the college

First Year Bonding Evening with games

Music Percussion Workshop

Student Council Elections


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