Young Lasallians
The Young Lasallian Movement exists to awaken awareness of the personal and collective vocational journey of adolescents and young adults involved in the Lasallian Educational Mission. This movement engages us on a personal, professional, and spiritual level to go beyond our boundaries to reach out so that we and those we accompany may “have life and have it in its fullest.”
— John 10:10
Young Lasallians
This movement includes young teachers, Brothers, administrators, volunteers, as well as current and former students. A Young Lasallian is someone who responds to a call or invitation to be involved and is choosing to live out the Lasallian values and principles while acknowledging others different realities and needs.
In 2002, during World Youth Day (Toronto) the first International Conference of YL was held with 150 participants from across the globe joining the gathering. The Superior General (Brother Álvaro Rodríguez) then called for the creation of the ICYL; the International Council of Young Lasallians, representatives from each of the five regions in the Lasallian network.
In 2010 came the paid role of the International Coordinator for Young Lasallians.
Following on from this came the Young Lasallian Councils for both our Region and our District. The RELEM Young Lasallian Council has representatives from almost every District in the Region and is accompanied by the Brother who acts as RELEM General Councillor. The District Young Lasallian Council has two members each from Ireland, Great Britain, and Malta, and is accompanied by the Region representative also.
Both these councils exist to serve the Lasallian mission by accompanying and encouraging the involvement and potential of adolescents and young adults within the Lasallian network. This is done through formation, networking, planning and implementation of projects, resources, and campaigns; that support and enhance the Lasallian Educational Mission.
To be a Young Lasallian is a responsibility but also a privilege. Young Lasallians are connected all over the world to others who are inspired by the vision and passion of St John Baptist de La Salle and the ministry of the De La Salle Brothers. Young Lasallians are embracing diversity while also recognising their common identity, mission, values, and vision for the future. To be a Young Lasallian is to inspire others through inclusive community, respect for all people, concern for the poor and social justice, quality education, faith in the presence of God and then to invite others to have the confidence to do the same.