Lasallian Schools
The schools in the District of Ireland, Great Britain & Malta are Catholic educational communities where students are taught, instructed, guided and loved according to the traditions of the De La Salle Brothers and the charism of Saint John Baptist de La Salle.
The schools in the District of Ireland, Great Britain & Malta:
are Roman Catholic educational communities where students are taught, instructed, guided and loved according to the traditions of the De La Salle Brothers and the charism of Saint John Baptist de La Salle
are characterised by a 300-plus year tradition of student-centred, salvation-centred education which is well-expressed in the Five Core Principles of Lasallian Schools.
Faith in the Presence of God
Concern for the Poor and Social Justice
Respect for All Persons
Quality Education
Inclusive Community
seek to provide students with an education that is intellectual, cultural, religious and vocational, by means of courses that are suited to their needs and which are based on Christian values and which enable them to develop their intellectual and personal potential so that they can subsequently lead good lives and be of benefit to society
aim to provide an academic, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual environment so that students can achieve to the best of their ability and enable them to enter work and further education as appropriate.
strive to provide teaching of a very high quality so as to cater for the needs, the aims and the abilities of all students.
place a very high value on the Christian instruction and education of students by providing a course of religious instruction and by the integration of Gospel values in all the subjects taught.
prepare students to be responsible, creative and capable citizens.
encourage students to be tolerant, to show respect for the individual, to make a genuine commitment to work for justice and peace, as well as for the good of their fellow students and that of the other members of the educational community.
encourage involvement in different forms of service to the poor and disadvantaged in our society.
involve students in community prayer and liturgical celebrations.
District Schools
Lecale Trinity Grammar Downpatrick
109 Saul Street
Co. Down
BT30 6NJ
Tel: 00 44 (0)28 4461 9722
Fax: 00 44 (0)28 4461 3314
Email: info@lecaletrinitygs.downpatrick.ni.sch.uk
Principal: Ms Fionnuala Moore
St Stephen’s BNS Waterford
25 Patrick Street,
Waterford City
Co Waterford
X91 P03F
Tel: 00 353 (0)51 87 17 16
Fax: 00 353 (0)51 85 59 07
Email: ststephensbns@gmail.com
Principal: Ms Sinead Lowe
De La Salle College Macroom
Barrack Lane
Co. Cork
P12 X409
Tel: 00 353 (0)26 418 32
Fax: 00 353 (0)26 42994
Email: office@dlsmacroom.ie
Principal: Mr John Murphy
St Declan’s National School Waterford
Water Street
Co Waterford
X91 H295
Tel: 00 353 (0)51 85 52 00
Fax: 00 353 (0)51 30 48 92
Email: stdeclansoffice.ias@eircom.net
Principal: Ms Ciara Parris
St John’s Education Centre Glasnevin
Holy Faith Convent Grounds
Old Finglas Road
Dublin D11 H52P
Tel: 00 353 (0)1 884 4996
Fax: 00 353 (0)1 884 4902
Email: stjohnseducationcentre@gmail.com
Director: Br. John McDermott
De La Salle College Churchtown
Upper Churchtown Road
D14 A0T9
Tel: 00 353 (0)1 298 1067
Fax: 00 353 (0)1 298 7475
Email: office@delasallecollege.com
Principal: Ms Siobhan Foster
De La Salle College Waterford
Newtown Road Lower
X91 DT68
Tel: 00 353 (0)51 87 52 94
Fax: 00 353 (0)51 84 13 21
Email: admin@delasallewaterford.ie
Principal: Mr Tom Bourke
De La Salle College Dundalk
Castleblayney Road
Co. Louth
A91 FC91
Tel: 00 353 (0)42 933 1179
Fax: 00 353 (0)42 933 0870
Email: secretary@delasalle.ie
Principal: Ms Nicola Connolly
De La Salle College Belfast
Edenmore Drive
BT11 8LT
Tel: 00 44 (0)28 9050 8800
Fax: 00 44 (0)28 9050 8820
Email: info@delasallecollege.org.uk
Principal: Mrs. Claire White
Castlebar Primary School
Upper Chapel Street
Co. Mayo
F23 K389
Tel: 00 353 (0)94 902 3438
Email: secretary@stpatsbns.eu
Principal: Mr. Joseph Carty
St Brigid’s Primary School Kildare
Grey Abbey Road
Kildare Town
Co. Kildare
R51 XY30
Tel: 00 353 (0)45 521 799
Email: office@sbps.ie
Principal: Mr. Donal Fleming
Ardscoil La Salle Raheny
Raheny Road
D05 Y132
Tel: 00 353 (0)1 848 0055
Fax: 00 353 (0)1 848 0082
Email: secretary@ardscoillasalle.ie
Principal: Mr. Colm Mythen
Beneavin College Finglas
Beneavin Road
Finglas East
Dublin D11 NH7E
Tel: 00 353 (0)1 834 1410
Fax: 00 353 (0)1 834 3859
Email: school@beneavin.com
Principal: Ms Ann Marie Leonard
St Benildus College Kilmacud
Upper Kilmacud Road
Co. Dublin A94 X886
Tel: 00 353 (0)1 298 65 39
Email: stbenildusoffice@stbenilduscollege.com
Principal: Ms. Mary Brohan
St Seton’s Secondary School Ballyfermot
Le Fanu Road
D10 X592
Tel: 00 353 (0)1 626 49 43
Email: info@stjohnsdls.ie
Principal: Ms Sarah Green
St Gerald’s College Castlebar
Newport Road
Co. Mayo F23 WV66
Tel: 00 353 (0)94 902 1383
Fax: 00 353 (0)94 902 6157
Email: info@stgeraldscollege.com
Principal: Mr. Shaun Burke
Great Britain
De La Salle School & Language College Basildon
SS14 2LA
Tel: 00 44 (0)1268 281234
Email: admin@delasalle.essex.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mr. Paul Norris
St Peter’s Catholic School Bournemouth
Secondary & Sixth Form:
St Catherine’s Road, Southbourne, Bournemouth, Dorset BH6 4AH
Tel: 00 44 (0)1202 421141
Holdenhurst Avenue, Ilford, Bournemouth, Dorset BH7 6RG
Tel: 00 44 (0)1202 421141 (option3)
Email: info@st-peters.bournemouth.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mr. Ben Doyle
De La Salle School St Helens
St Helens
WA10 4QH
Tel: 00 44 (0)1744 20511
Email: delasalle@sthelens.org.uk
Headteacher: Mr. Andrew Rannard
Cardinal Langley RC High School Middleton
Rochdale Road
M24 2GL
Tel: 00 44 (0)161 643 4009
Email: admin@clrchs.co.uk
Headteacher: Mr. Andrew Bridson
St Augustine’s Catholic College Trowbridge
Wingfield Road
Wiltshire BA14 9EN
Tel: 00 44 (0)1225 350001
Email: admin@sta.cc
Website: www.st-augustines.wilts.sch.uk
Headteacher (Acting): Mr. Aidan Dowle
St Margaret Ward Catholic Academy Tunstall
Little Chell Lane
Tunstall Stoke-on-Trent
Tel: 00 44 (0)1782 883000
Email: office@smwca.org.uk
Headteacher: Mr. Dominic McKenna
De La Salle College Jersey
Wellington Road
St Saviour
Jersey JE2 7TH
Channel Islands
Tel: 00 44 (0)1534 754100
Email: college.admin@dls-mail.co.uk
Headteacher (Senior School): Mr Jason Turner
Headteacher (Junior School): Mr Gary Coutanche
St Joseph’s College London
Beulah Hill
SE19 3HL
Tel: 00 44 (0)20 8761 1426
Email: admin@sjc.ac
Co-Headteachers: Mrs Catherine Kane & Mr George Mantillas
St Edward’s RC/CE School Poole
Dale Valley Road
BH15 3HY
Tel: 00 44 (0)1202 740950
Email: office@btrcc.lancs.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mr. Chris Barnett
St Gregory’s Catholic College Bath
Coombe Hay Lane
Tel: 00 44 (0)1225 832873
Email: stgregorys_sec@bathnes.gov.uk
Headteacher: Ms. Melissa George
St Illtyd’s Catholic High School Rumney
Newport Road
South Glamorgan
Tel: 00 44 (0)2920 778174
Email: info@stilltyds.org.uk
Headteacher: Mr. David Thomas
St Matthew Academy Blackheath
St Joseph’s Vale
Tel: 00 44 (0)20 8853 6250
Email: info@stmatthewacademy.co.uk
Headteacher: Ms. Miranda Baldwin
De La Salle College Cottonera
Triq il-Kottonera Birgu
CSP 9021
Tel: 00 356 2397 4200
Email: dlssenoffice@gmail.com
Head of Senior School: Mr. Norbert Zahra
Head of Junior School: Mr Nicholai Mifsud
Head of Sixth Form: Dr. John Portelli
Stella Maris College Gzira
Triq San Albert
GZR 1152
Tel: 00 356 2732 0607
Email: admin@stellamariscollege.edu.mt
Head of School: Mr. Manuel Cilia
Head of Junior School: Mr. Noel Abela
Contact our Communities
De La Salle Provincialate
De La Salle Provincialate
140 Banbury Road
De La Salle Provincialate
121 Howth Road
D03 XN15
Stella Maris Community
Dar il-Freres
1 Antonio Sammut Street
il-Gżira GŻR 1563