“May God continue what he has begun in you.”
— Letter 46 - to Brother Robert in Darnetal, just outside Rouen, 1709
“Follow the inspirations that come to you from God.”
— Letter 86 - to an unnamed Brother, date unknown
“Learn from Jesus by often being in his company.”
— Med 78.2 - Feast of St Andrew, Apostle
“How long has Jesus been knocking at the door of your heart, waiting to enter?”
— Med 85.1 - Vigil of the Nativity
“Often remind yourself that you are in the presence of God.”
— Med 78.2 - Feast of St Andrew, Apostle
“Wherever I go I will find you, my God.”
Explanation of the Method of Interior Prayer: example of an act of faith
“It is in the company of Jesus that you work for the glory of God.”
— Med 78.2 - Feast of St Andrew, Apostle
“Often remind yourself that God is with you.”
— Letter 87 - to an unnamed Brother, date unknown
“Remembering that God is with you will help and inspire you in all that you do.”
— Letter 2 - to a Brother, 15 May 1701. This letter is the earliest extant letter of the Founder written to a Brother, and the original is preserved in the Provincialate, Oxford