We have two separate programmes for Primary School children: a Confirmation retreat for those celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation; and a 6th Class Celebration day for those students making the change from Primary to Secondary School.
For Secondary Schools, we offer different one-day retreats for each year group, with varied themes and programmes. Each retreat consists of large and small group work, discussion, creative activities, games, meditation and prayer. As well as our one day Transition Year retreat/bonding day we also have a two day TY retreat/bonding day.
In addition to the above, we also offer a one day Prefect Training Day which has proved extremely popular and beneficial to those chosen for this very important role in the school.
Director – Derek Doherty
Tel: 00 353 (0)57 87 32442
Email: castletownretreats@gmail.com
Central Hub: http://delasalleretreats.org/