Wellbeing Week at Churchtown embraces Lasallian spirit

Wellbeing Week 2022 in De La Salle College Churchtown took place from March 25th to April 1st this year, with the various events as follows:

Friday March 25th was ‘Feel it Friday’ where students were challenged to ‘Place yourself in their shoes’ - How would YOU feel if You were them? Each student’s locker contained a ‘Random Act of Kindness’ Post-it encouraging them to complete a Random Act of Kindness and to be Lasallian. The focus on this day was on the Lasallian Principle: Concern for the Poor and Social Justice and Respect for ALL People.

We also had an Anti Bullying workshop facilitated by ‘Bully 4U’ which was attended by all 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students.

The highlight of the day’s proceedings was our ‘Two minute Friendship’ which is like ‘Speed Dating’ where our students were encouraged to talk to new people in their year group, the sound of chat and laughter in our Assembly Hall was a delight!

Monday March 28th was ‘Move it Monday’ where students were Challenged to ‘get those steps UP to 10,000 ‘YOU need to MAKE energy in order to HAVE energy’.

Our student body were Introduced to Wellbeing Week via our School Intercom with particular reference to our DLSC Charter and the Five Core Principles of De La Salle.

During the day all students were encouraged to ‘Drop Everything and Meditate’

Our guest speaker on this Day was Rory from ‘Rory’s Stories’ and the talk was entitled ‘Overcoming the struggle’. Our students were completely engaged and found the talk extremely beneficial.

During lunchtime our Table Tennis Team organised a very entertaining Staff v Students Table Tennis Tournament.

During lunchtime our Student Council also ran a ‘Drop in and chat’ room.

Our TY’s spent the afternoon doing a ‘Litter Pick’ in our local park, they did a fantastic job accumulating a large amount of litter and ensuring our local amenities are cared for.


Tuesday March 29th was ‘Think about it Tuesday’ where students were challenge to show their Lasallian Spirit by taking the time to get to know more about other people’s heritage and cultures, focusing on the core Lasallian principle of Respect for ALL People and Inclusive Community.

At lunchtime staff and students were treated to cuisine from all over the globe, thanks to the many parents who contributed to such a wonderful and colorful event. Students also completed a quiz that focused on the almost 50 different nationalities and cultures represented in our school.

Our guest speaker on the day was Psychologist, Patricia Murray who gave a thought provoking talk on resilience.


Wednesday March 30th was ‘Work it Wednesday’ where students were challenged to Take on an extra responsibility at home, help out with chores, complete a Random Act of Kindness, etc.

Students took part in a rock painting workshop with their beautiful creations being added to our BioDiversity Garden.

At lunchtime the whole school was treated to a musical performance by local musician and past pupil Mr Eamo Griffin, what a joy it was to see our Assembly Hall so full of life and smiles.


Thursday March 31st was ‘Talk about it Thursday’ where students were challenged to introduce themselves to someone new and widen their social circle. Be inclusive rather than exclusive. Find a common interest. Be a friend. Be Lasallian.

The day’s visiting speaker was Tony O’Reilly who told his story of being a recovering Gambling addict, what an amazing story and what brilliant advice offered by Tony.


Friday April 1st was ‘Fix YOURSELF Friday’ where students were challenged to think How can I improve myself? What can I do differently? Be the change you want to see. Are you preparing yourself for a Quality Education? DLSC Charter: We Care, We Prepare, We Achieve. Fix any broken relationships or mend bridges in order to heal.

On the day we walked together as a school, simply walking around our beautiful campus enjoying the fresh air and each other’s company.

At lunchtime there was Yoga for staff and students, there was also excellent entertainment provided in the assembly Hall by student musicians.

Our final guest speaker was Jackie, the amazing lady responsible for Coo’s Law. Jackie told the very sad and tragic story of her daughter Nicole. The Hall was filled with emotion and with admiration for the bravery shown by Jackie as she told her daughter’s tragic story.

As you can see Wellbeing Week 2022 in DLS Churchtown was packed with a variety of opportunities for our students and staff to nurture their Wellbeing, the whole school community is thankful to the organising committee for planning such a fun, engaging and beneficial week.



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