Vibrant atmosphere at Castletown Retreat Centre

At De La Salle Retreat Centre, Castletown, we have been blessed with many days of wonderful spring sunshine over the past few weeks and the brightness outside has been mirrored inside by the vibrancy of the students.

While we have had a few Transition Year groups, the vast majority of our groups recently have been Confirmation classes and they bring their own dynamic to the day. The joy-filled energetic responses and the genuine care they have for one another is palpable in the Centre.

Our Confirmation programme is centred on the Fruits and Gifts of the Spirit and we stress that God calls everyone by name and knows and loves us unconditionally. The children have an opportunity to discuss and share their Confirmation names and it is a privilege to listen to them talking about what name they have chosen and the reasons for their choice. Saints names figure prominently but often it will be a family member they have chosen and they choose it to honour them. (Grandparents' names are very popular). How lovely can it be to have someone choose your name to honour you?

The importance of good role models can never be underestimated and we must never forget how influential we can be. Whether you are a son, daughter, brother, sister, mother, father, uncle, aunt, grandmother or grandfather, God has called you by name and chosen you. How honoured are we?

As the clocks go forward, we wish you longer light-filled evenings full of peace, love and joy.

  • Pastoral Team, Castletown


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