Variety of activities at De La Salle Senior School

As always, there is never a dull moment in De La Salle College Senior School Malta as the last few weeks have been filled with a variety of activities such as a concert, religious visit, sports day and hot chocolate morning.

  Hot chocolate

 The Senior School Students Council organised a hot chocolate morning during the 10 o'clock break. A heartfelt thanks to all those who came by and bought hot chocolate.


Senior School Fire Drill

Students following the Senior School Fire Drill


Form 1 Sports Day

Students from Form 1 enjoying the Sports Day


Religious visit

Illum il-klassijiet tal-Form 1 Red u 1 Green ghamilna zjara lill-vari tal-Gimgha l-Kbira fil-Bazilika Kolleggjata u Santwarju ta' Marija Bambina, l-Isla u fil-Knisja Kolleggjata ta' San Lawrenz, il-Birgu.

Zorna b'mod specjali l-istatwa mirakuluza ta' Gesù Redentur meqjum fil-Bazilika tal-Isla, propju fil-gurnata ddedikata lil Gesù Redentur.

Concert by Lasallian High School Band

The School Band from Totino Grace High School performed to a large group of students from both our Junior and Senior schools today. They also had time to meet some of our Sixth form students. Totino Grace is a Lasallian High School in Minnesota , USA and their school band is currently visiting Malta. It’s a great experience to see the Lasallian family spread across the whole globe while sharing the same values.

Careers Day

 We would like to thank our exhibitors, guests, speakers, old boys, parents, staff and students of De La Salle Senior School for making this year's Careers Day a successful and special event.

A special thanks goes out to the Director of Educational Mission, Senior School Headmaster, SMT, Precincts Manager, Junior School and Sixth Form Headmasters, SMT and all auxiliary staff for their support and time. Last and not least all the School Prefects and VET Hospitality students together with their teachers whose efforts and help during this event were truly appreciated. We hope to see you all again next year for our Annual Careers Day.

  • The Guidance team.

Sedar Meal

 As Easter approaches, the form 2 team is reinstating their Seder Meal activity (Shabbat), which is a cherished tradition among those who observe Passover within the Jewish faith. This meaningful meal comprises rituals, liturgy, and food items that symbolise various aspects of the Exodus story.

An essential element of the feast is the Passover Seder plate, which features an assortment of symbolic foods. This activity promises to be a fantastic experience for both the form 2 students and teachers. Kudos to all those involved in making it possible.


 In our PSCD lessons, we emphasised the significance of showing respect towards those in our community.

As part of this lesson, the boys were given a task related to demonstrating their understanding and application of respectful behaviour. The boys took this task seriously and put in excellent effort, producing outstanding work that showcased their understanding and practical application of respectful behaviour.  Well done boys.


 An unforgettable experience filled with much preparation, dedication, and eloquence. Participation in Young Parliamentarians 2023 provided our students with the opportunity to experience the legislative procedure in our country. Despite not making it to the semi-final and final debates, the students did a fantastic job. #ejjewniddibattu


Students celebrate values of Irish flag


Congratulations to award winners at Downpatrick