Tribute to the late Br. Terry Kay
We are sad to report that on January 4th, 2023, Brother Terry Kay died following an illness over Christmas. He’d lived at St Cassian’s Pastoral Centre, Kintbury, since 2014 and had previously lived in the community as Vocations Director from 1992-1995.
Br Terry was a much-loved member of the community at St Cassian’s. He could usually be found out in the grounds, listening to the bird-song – he could identify the species immediately!- or up at the small lakes, clearing away debris and looking after the local wildlife.
All teams who Terry lived and worked with have fond memories of hearing his stories of Scotland, Sri Lanka and Bournemouth, to name a few. If you needed to chat, he would always listen. If you wanted to know what animal was in the grounds he could name it, usually accompanied by an impression of it! He was also a keen cook, and most recently enjoyed discovering Bolivian, Argentinian and Mexican cuisine at our community evenings last term.
Socially distanced team photo in summer 2020
Retreat Team 2021-2022 with Br Terry and Br Bernard
Br Terry will be very much missed, especially by the staff at St Cassian’s. He would always have time to talk, complimenting them on the work they were doing. Janice, our head housekeeper said, “I will miss him very much, as he often came in for a chat in the laundry”.
Br Terry was very active in the local community, attending ‘Churches Together’ events and visiting the sick and those who were unable to get out and about.
He touched the hearts of everyone he met. We will miss him. RIP Br Terry.
Brother Terry's funeral will be held at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Hungerford on Wednesday 1st February at 11am.
St Cassian’s Team Commissioning Mass, September 2022, with our Management Committee and supporters of the Centre.