Student Leadership programme takes place in Castletown

A wonderful Student Leadership Programme for students in Ireland was held in Castletown on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 17th and 18th. Organised by the MEL Committee Ireland, and led by Anna Baird and Jason Poole. It proved to be a very successful event with insightful presentations.

A total of 40 enthusiastic girls and boys from across Ireland attended, and their schools and wider district can certainly be proud to have them as student leaders.

Following opening prayers from Jason and Auxiliary Visitor, Br. Tommy Walsh, Cian O Naraigh (De La Salle College Dundalk) provided an engaging presentation on servant leadership.

He spoke about a servant leader being a servant first, and how to be an effective leader while looking at the attributes of a good leader. He then highlighted how John Baptist de La Salle displayed those qualities throughout his life.

Br. Tommy then spoke about his own journey as a De La Salle Brother and encouraged all to find what purpose God has for them. He also encouraged the students to keep the Lasallian Ethos alive in their schools.

Director of Formation, Pat Walsh, introduced himself to the group before Anna Baird spoke about the role of effective communication in leadership, and highlighted the importance of listening to people.

The afternoon session also saw the official launch of the Lasallian Competition for 2023/24 where all schools were invited to participate and build on the success of this year’s event.

The evening allowed the students from the different schools to mix in a social setting, with the option to play indoor football or games in the common room. The card games with Br. Tommy will remain a highlight for many of the students.

On Friday morning the students enjoyed meditation with the retreat team of Derek, Marie and Micheál, before Br. Tommy thanked all who attended, the teachers who gave up their time, the presenters, the Community for hosting the programme and the staff for all they provided.

In particular, he thanked Anna, Jason and all from the MEL Committee for organising such a wonderful event.


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