Stella Maris students enjoy many experiences

There has been much to keep students at Stella Maris Junior School busy over the past few weeks as they have been given the opportunity to live their Lasallian values, learn about science, welcome German students and to their bit for charity, among many other activities.


Donation of Food Items to YMCA Malta

Students from Stella Maris Junior School and St Benild donated food items for homeless people using the services of YMCA. YMCA Representatives attended assembly to thank the students and create awareness about the valuable work being done by YMCA. YMCA is an NGO that seeks to promote the vision to build a more just society.  Its mission includes working amongst and empowering young people and providing services to the neediest members of the community.


Grade 4 Students visit Esplora Science Centre

Education is not the learning of facts only, but the training of mind to think. Grade 4 students had a wonderful time at Esplora scientific centre where through hands-on activities they managed to shift theory into practice and they enhanced their knowledge about the solar system at the planetarium.


Grade 4 Arnold Assembly – Influential Woman – Mother Theresa

Grade 4 Arnold presented an assembly to celebrate the life of Mother Theresa of Calcutta.  They explained that Mother Theresa was an Albanian-Indian Catholic nun and the founder of the Missionaries of Charity. She was born Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu in Skopje. At the age of 18, she moved to Ireland and then to India, where she lived most of her life. On 4 September 2016, she was canonised as Saint Teresa of Calcutta.

Mother Teresa founded Missionaries of Charity, a religious congregation, which grew to have over 4,500 nuns across 133 countries as of 2012.  They closed the assembly with the song “Love shine a Light” – a true message of love like Mother Theresa did throughout her life.



Erasmus Students Experience

During the past 8 weeks our school was enriched by the presence of 6 interns from Germany. Friday 17 was their last day at school. They spent time in different classes from Grade 3 to Grade 6, went out on excursions with the students, prepared traditional sweets from their country and played with the students during breaktime.  The interns presented an orange tree to the school as a remembrance of their stay.


COPE Day for Educators

A healthy breakfast was prepared by the Animators' group at the College. It was a great way to start our COPE day together. "Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." Three sessions were held: Gender situations within a school environment; training on AED; Human Dignity Programme for Junior Students.

Mismatched Socks for World Down Syndrome Day 2023

On 21 March the global Down Syndrome community creates a single voice advocating for the rights, inclusion, and well-being of people with Down Syndrome. At Stella Maris College it was celebrated on Friday 17 March and this year’s theme With Us Not For Us.  Students and educators wore mismatched socks and throughout the day educators organised activities to raise more awareness.


Visit to Ghadira Nature Reserve

Grade 3 students visited Ghadira Nature reserve, located in the north of Malta on the outskirts of Mellieħa.  Seven hectare reserve comprises brackish lake and saltmarsh habitat. Due to the dry climate in Malta, permanent areas of inland water are rare, making the Għadira wetlands an extremely important habitat for birds and other wildlife. Around 140 species of migrating birds are seen annually.

Most of the birds seen are migrants, stopping to rest and refuel before continuing their long migration journeys. The students enjoyed the beauty of this place and had the opportunity to do bird watching. They did a nature trail and also learnt more about the flora and fauna found in this place.


Celebrating Diversity Art Exhibition

As part of an assignment discussing Addressing Inequality and difference in Educational Practice, a group of three Art Educators: Ms. Sephora Borg (Malta School of Art), Ms. Bernice Vassallo (Birzebbugia Primary), and Mr. Samuel Casha (Stella Maris College), joined together to work with several students on what Diversity is. The works currently exhibited at The Malta School of Art, include works of ten-year-old students varying from drawing, painting, and printmaking.

Students: Luke Pace, Gabriel Piscopo, Andrew Sultana, Luke Micallef, Luigi Aquilina, Kane Vella Scott, Matthew Asciak, Cole Gracey. 


Salina Nature Reserve

Grade 6 students visited Salina Nature Reserve as part of their social studies curriculum.  Salina Nature Reserve lies in the Burmarrad valley mouth (limits of St Paul’s Bay in the north of Malta). Originally a harbour, the Salina site consists of 154,000 square metres of saline marshland and a number of salt pans built on a reclaimed island of clay surrounded by garrigue.


Grade 4 Retreat

28 students attended the yearly retreat organised at Mellieha La Salle Centre.  The theme was “Be the Change in the World”.  They had a fun packed programme, started with getting to know each other, preparing their supper – a delicious pizza, hunger games – sharing food, night and morning prayers, team building activities, a short walk, and ended the retreat by celebrating mass as a Lasallian family.


Women’s Day 2023

 Mr Noel Abela, Head of School, presented a carnation to all members of staff as a sign of appreciation on Women’s Day.


Grade 4 Benjamin Assembly – What is Lent?

Grade 4 Benjamin students presented an assembly and explored the theme of What is Lent?  They helped the school community reflect on being good people in today’s world.


Prayer Spaces

Stella Maris College, Gzira enjoying moments of prayer and stillness through the prayer space experience. Teachers from Prayer Spaces in Schools prepared several prayer spaces and every class had the opportunity to spend 45 mins in prayer.



Register for Malta CPD


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