Stella Maris Junior School enjoy Founder’s Day

Students and staff at Stella Maris Junior School once again made a huge effort to celebrate Founder’s Day. See below for details of the many activities that took place.

Lasallian Activities based on the Five Core Principles

Educators and students were encouraged to put in action the Five Lasallian Core Principles – Respect for All; Faith in the Presence of God; Concern for the Poor and Social Justice; Quality Education and Inclusive Education - through several activities.  Students were encouraged to complete some activities at home with their families.  Students sent photos to their teacher, feeling proud that they are young Lasallians.

Large Lasallian Banner 2022 – Enter to Learn … Leave to Serve

“You have received talents and graces from God.” MTR 13.1 [Med 205.1] St John Baptist De La Salle always encouraged educators to help students use their talents and thus make God known to others.  After the absence of a proper celebration on Founder’s Day, it was time to organise a meaningful day for our students.  We wanted the students to be at the centre of these activities.  The design of the large banner, featuring 4.2 m x 1.2 m, was prepared.  Students from the 12 classes in the Junior School were invited to give a helping hand during breaktime and work on the banner.  Mr Samuel, the Art Teacher transferred the design on canvas, and the students started working hard.  Around 50 students worked on the banner, and they showed commitment, determination and a sense of community service.  The banner was completed in a couple of days and the final touches of sewing were completed.  On Founder’s Day, all students had the opportunity to take a class photo.  The banner will be used for several events during the scholastic Year.

Founder’s Day Mass

The whole school community gathered under the tent to celebrate Founder’s Mass.  The students and educators were eagerly waiting to be together for mass after an absence of two years.  Mass was celebrated by Fr Anthony Fitzpatrick, the school chaplain.  Mr Ivan and Ms Stephania animated the mass by singing to traditional Founder’s Day songs. It was beautiful to hear all the students singing One La Salle!


JOY!! Human Formation

All the Junior School community took part in forming the word JOY!! Around 330 students and educators took part in this event. Students prepared props at home to create a colourful scene, while wearing their house colour tops.  Students and educators were so joyful to be able to celebrate Founder’s Day once again!  Special thanks to Mr Ishmael and Mr Mario for helping to position the students in the right place.



Educators’ Flash Mob – You are Beautiful

What a surprise for our young students. Educators met during breaktime and after school to rehearse for a flash mob.  All students were taken by surprise when the educators took centre stage and started to dance.  The students joined in and danced!  Thanks, educators, for bringing so much joy everyday in the classroom and on the playground!



Founder’s Day Trekking Activity

Educators, students from St Benild, SMCJr and SMCSr, and their families met for a trekking activity in the north part of Malta.  Two routes in the North of our island, with wonderful views of rocky hills overlooking the magnificent blue sea were organised.  Participants had time to enjoy the company of each other, stop at a beach and finish the activity at the Mellieha Lasallian Centre, eating a nice Maltese Ftira.


46th General Chapter comes to a conclusion


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