Margaret Ward students connect to global Lasallian network

Students from St Margaret Ward Catholic Academy are continuing to enjoy many activities, including further connections with a De La Salle School in the Philippines, and also taking part in a residential retreat.

Cross Cultures Ambassadors Program

The students involved in the Cross Cultures Ambassadors Program, with De La Salle Santiago Zobel school in the Philippines took part in a final celebration event on MS TEAMS. This involved student's delivering a short speech about their experience of the Cross Cultures Ambassadors Program. It was lovely to hear about what they had enjoyed and the skill they had developed by taking part in the program. The students were also very excited by the prospects of an international exchange in the near future. We are now in the initial stages of a proposal for the Cross Cultures Ambassadors program, for the next academic year. 

Castlerigg Manor Retreat

From the 6th to the 10th June about 50 of our Y7 Students from St Margaret Ward went on retreat to Castlerigg Manor, In the Lake District. They enjoyed activities such as hiking through the wonderful countryside, playing sports, a simulation game focused on injustice, as well as sessions looking at the Saints, understanding themselves better and a wonderful time spent with Jesus in adoration, which for many of our students would have been their first experience.

A good number of our students haven’t been on a residential retreat before and they engaged with the activities and the staff their really well, experiencing new ways to pray and enjoying time spent with friends which they have dearly missed in the last few years. The students wanted to share their experiences and the fun they had with many highlights, including one of our students who was desperate to have a bucket of water chucked over his head! Here’s some of the things they said:

‘The staff were so friendly and made us feel welcome

‘I didn't expect the views, they were beautiful, their garden was also amazing’

‘It was a one-time experience many people don't get to do’

‘It was overall a good experience and the sights were amazing, plus the staff were super friendly.’

With that, our last residential retreat of the year is over, with around 100 students across the year groups taking part. With the success of our new retreat program this year, we are excited and hope to take many more students to help them deepen their faith next year!


Learning about the justice system at St Helens


Special greeting to the elderly Brothers of the Institute