St Joseph’s hold prayer service for exams

As students across the District prepare for their exams, all Year 11 students at St Joseph’s College Beulah Hill  took part in a Prayer Service in the Chapel. This was led by Mr Arthur, our Director of Spirituality on Wednesday, 8th May.

In the Service we read from the book of Jeremiah, Psalms and Gospel of Matthew. God assures His plans are for prosperity, hope, and a future. His presence brings comfort, guidance, and abundance, ensuring that goodness and kindness follow all the days of our lives.

In his teaching, Mr Arthur spoke about importance of giving everything to God.

He said: “… as you approach your exams, remember these words: God has a plan for you, and He will take care of you. Trust in Him, seek Him with all your heart, and do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Focus on today, focus on doing your best, and leave the rest to God.”


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