St Gerald’s students enjoy a busy start to term

Students at St Gerald’s College, Castlebar, have been very busy over the last few weeks having taken part in a number of activities that highlight the Lasallian Ethos.

Twelve our TY students slept out in the wind and rain on October 1st, to raise money for Galway Simon Community. We are all so very proud of you.

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Our TY Community action group are working with Castlebar Community Clean Up this term to clean up the bridge area in Lough Lannagh. We are blessed to have such beautiful amenity on our doorstep!

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Pope John Paul II Achievement Award winners pictured along with members of the RE Department saying goodbye to our fantastic School Chaplain Fr. Shane Sullivan as he departs to take up a new position as Parish Priest in Carna. He will be missed.


Wateford students celebrate ILDP through art


Well Being Week at St John’s Ballyfermot