St Benild students spread Christmas cheer

On the occasion of the Feast of St Nicholas on December 6th, our pupils dressed in red as little Santas reached out to several Homes of the Elderly with one mission in mind: brining joy and Christmas cheer.

They gave out little gifts, handmade cards and most importantly, they shared their smiles. The elderly were overjoyed by the children's presence and happy voices singing carols along the way.

Beyond the District Christmas Card Competition

A number of pupils at St. Benild School have participated in the Christmas Card Competition organised by the District. To make their participation even more meaningful, the school encouraged pupils to present their original card to people who render a service to the school. 

We always try to instil a sense of gratitude in our students. Photos witness the pupils presenting a Christmas card to the Director for the Lasallian Mission, Mr Stephen Cachia, to the Finance Officer, Mr Matthew Sciberras, to the Parish Priest, Fr. Martin Coleiro, as well as to the Brother in Charge, Bro Austin Gili.

Lighting of the Advent Candles

Throughout the season of Advent, the school advent wreath which had been previously blessed by the Parish Priest, has been given its due importance. Week after week, a candle has been lit by our community, whilst explaining the meaning of each candle.

Moreover, important characters in the Nativity story have been introduced. This gave us the opportunity of building our crib together as a school. The pupils were also encouraged to perform good deeds in class and have these written on yellow slips of paper. These slips, are slowly but steadily preparing the bed for baby Jesus in our crib. Let's continue preparing our hearts for the Birth of Jesus.

Christmas Concerts

Our youngest pupils, together with their teaching teams in Grade One have put up  spectacular performances for their parents and relatives. All the performances pointed at the real meaning of Christmas -  let us make sure that Jesus is the reason for the season.


St Benildus celebrate Advent as a school community


St Margaret Ward achieves the Developer level of the Oscar Romero Award