Sharing inspiring images to celebrate ILDP

As we approached the end of the second week of the Lasallian Month of Peace we wanted to share some inspiring images here from the newly commissioned volunteer team at St Cassian’s, Kintbury.

The team have reflected up on the ILDP theme of ‘Sowing seeds of Peace’ and took part in the creative opportunity which has led to some wonderful creations.

You will see below photographs and artwork which represent a calm and peaceful place which helps to sow seeds of peace in their days, or an installation which explores how we follow in the footsteps of our Founder and Brothers to become ambassadors of peace in our daily lives.

You can read Martina Berard’s beautiful story entitled Seeds of Peace and view the team’s very creative video animation Sowing the Seeds of Peace.

We urge you to share these examples within your communities and encourage you to get involved with the creative opportunity to show us what peace may mean to you.

Send any examples in to


Continuing our commitment to the 46th General Chapter


Lasallians committed to peace within our reach