Run for Life is a highlight at St Benildus College

At St Benildus College, Dublin, the annual fundraising event, ‘Run for Life’ took place on Friday October 28th. Our now traditional colour run for third year students brought us to the end of a very successful Run for Life Day filled with events such as our sponsored run, football tournaments and even some dance! The weather was on our side allowing all our junior students to enjoy the fun activities organised for them.

Senior students took part in a sponsored football tournament, while TY students were involved in our roadside collections on both Thursday the 27th and Friday the 28th, with a combined total of an amazing €14,000 raised in this alone. It is on days like these that we see the true Lasallian spirit of our school community shine through.

All sponsorship money is now being collected and we look forward to seeing our fundraising total and distributing it to all the worthwhile charities we support each year.

Other events this month included…

 ·         First Year Baking

·         LGBTQ+ Stand up Week

·         Science Week

·         Wellbeing Week- Sunrise Walk

·         School production of ‘Lord of the Flies’.

·         Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal


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